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After a whole week at work, Harry noticed a difference in Louis. He was chattier at dinner, he wanted to plan a proper get together with Liam, Niall and their girlfriends at the weekend, and he seemed to be more confident and, as much as Harry hated to say it, like his old self. Harry didn't like to think of Louis as his old self before his attempt and his new self after it, he didn't want to give that situation so much power in their lives, but he knew that Louis was a different person now. He had experienced new emotions and thought processes, he had been to his rock bottom and pulled himself up again, and he had been forced to face so many difficulties. Harry was so proud of Louis for how he'd handled everything since that day, and maybe he didn't tell him enough, but he liked to think Louis already knew. They had been together for over three years and had been engaged for many months, if Louis didn't know that Harry loved him and was proud of him, there was something wrong with their relationship. Harry loved seeing him happy, he loved hearing his laugh and watching as his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and he loved how happy it made him when Harry said something silly. Louis was talking to Mark a little more and phoning his mum and sisters regularly, and he was actually enjoying the voice notes Niall and Liam kept sending him. Harry could also tell that Louis was enjoying his therapy sessions too. He'd always come home and talk to Harry about everything Caroline had said. It was exciting to see Louis progressing and it made Harry look forward to everything life with Louis had to offer.

As the two boys sat in a cocktail bar with Niall, Liam, Rosie and Abi that weekend, Harry felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. They were sitting out on the balcony, so when he saw it was his sister Gemma calling him, he told the boys to be quiet whilst he answered.

"Hey, Gem," he chirped, taking a sip of his drink as Gemma began to talk on the other end of the line.

"Hey little brother, how's Lou?"

"He's good, we're actually out with Ni and Li and their partners right now, so I guess that's a good sign."

"That's great, say hi to everyone for me." Harry did as he was told, holding the phone up so they could all shout at her. "God, I forgot how loud they were! And you? Are you okay?"

"Of course, work's been busy but all good. Is everything alright? You never phone me?" He heard Gemma laugh lightly, but then she said the one sentence that made Harry beam brighter than Blackpool illuminations.

"You're going to be an uncle."

"You're kidding? Oh, wow! Congratulations, Gem, that's so exciting! I'm so happy for you, and Michal, of course!"

"What's going on?" Louis asked, poking at Harry's dimples.

"We're going to be uncles!" Harry replied, Louis' face then matching Harry's with happiness.

"No way! Aw, congrats, Gem!"

"Congratulations!" Niall and Liam both chorused, Gemma thanking them all before telling Harry that she was three months along and very excited to be a mum. They talked for a little bit longer before they hung up, and Harry was so happy with the news he smiled for the rest of the afternoon, even laughing at Niall's ridiculous humour.

They were just about to leave when Rosie pulled Harry aside, asking if they could have a quick chat.

"Uh, you didn't really know Zayn that well, right? Like, you weren't part of their friendship group at that time?"

"No, I knew him around school but that was pretty much it, why?"

"They all seem to have this little group when it comes to Zayn, and as someone who has no idea who he was it's hard to be on the outside of it. Like, Liam and Niall keep bringing him up and it's kinda annoying. He's dead, and I get that it was hard for them, but do they have to mention him every five minutes?" Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing, but it didn't stop there. "And Louis, I don't get how Zayn's death had anything to do with his suicide attempt? Like surely if you were the reason your best friend died, you wouldn't do the same thing to the people you supposedly loved? You have no idea how much Liam was hurting after that, like he cried so much and just wanted to be with Louis all the time. He cancelled so many dates and moved around his shifts at work just so he could see him. Can you believe that?"

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