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Louis got out of hospital a few days later, much to Harry's delight. Johanna had insisted that Louis were to go home with her and recover back in Doncaster, which led to an argument between Liam and Jay about what was best for Louis. Liam wanted him to stay in London with his friends so they could all keep an eye on him, and he could continue with his normal life, whereas Jay wanted him to go back up North and be surrounded by his family so that they could watch his every move. According to Jay, being in London with Harry caused his breakdown in the first place, so getting him out of there was the best solution. Harry wouldn't admit how much that comment hurt, but he knew not to take it too personally, Jay just wanted the best for her son regardless of how she got it. Harry didn't want Louis to go to Doncaster, he didn't want his boyfriend to leave for any amount of time, but he knew that whatever happened he just wanted Louis to be okay, and he would do whatever it took to make sure that he still had a boyfriend to plan a wedding with.

"Louis, would you listen to me for once? I'm your mother, I have to protect you, and I can't do that as easily when you're so far away. Just come home and let us make things better for you, okay?" Johanna pleaded from her place against the wall.

"Mum, I'm an adult, I can do whatever I like without you having a say. London is my home now, not Donny. I live here with Harry, and I have a job and friends here and my life is here, I'm not just going to up and go because you're too scared to let me out of your sight," Louis reasoned, rolling his eyes as his mum shook her head at what he was saying.

"London isn't good for you, Louis, that's very clear right now. Nothing bad ever happened when you were at home with us, why won't you let me keep you safe?"

"I am safe, mum, I'm safe with Haz, and Li and Ni, and I appreciate that you want to look after me, but I really think I need to stay here and learn to deal with everything, does that make sense?" Harry listened intently to both sides of the argument, trying not to get involved. After a few more minutes of neither of them making a decision, Harry decided enough was enough.

"Right, listen to me, both of you. Louis' right when he says this is his home now. We're adults and we're going to get married which means Louis can make his own decisions. Louis lives here with me, we have a life here, and if Louis is not psychologically stable enough to deal with that life, then we can figure something else out, but right now he cannot run away from his responsibilities here, otherwise he won't get better. I need him to get better, Jay, we all do. And Louis, for God's sake, your mum loves you so much and you need to realise that the thought of losing you was the worst pain that she had ever felt. How about you go back to Yorkshire with your mum for a week, then I'll come and get you next weekend and you can start your treatment? That way you're not running away, you're just taking a break, and everyone will be happy, deal?" There was stunned silence as nobody could believe that Harry had been so decisive. He had never really spoken his mind like this before, especially to Louis' mum. After a few seconds, Louis finally opened his mouth to speak.

"That actually sounds like a decent idea."

"Yes, it does, thank you, Harry."

One week without Louis. One week of constant worrying and late-night calls. One week of going to work and complaining to his colleagues about how much he misses Louis and how he can't wait for Saturday so that he can pick him up. Seven days of no kisses and no cuddles. Seven days of sleeping and waking up alone. Harry had never been so thankful to wake up Saturday morning and drive across the country to see his boyfriend.

"Harry!" Daisy squealed when she opened the door, Phoebe running up behind her and jumping straight into Harry's arms.

"Hello, you terrible twins, am I allowed in, or do I have to stay on the doorstep?"

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