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Louis was nervous. Terrified, even. Liam and Niall had tried to calm him down, but it was no good. He had showered twice that day, something that hadn't happened very much since Harry had been around, and eventually sat on the edge of his bed with his clothes strewn around the floor. There was a knock on his door, but Louis only answered with a grunt before Liam and Niall cautiously entered.

"Hey, we know you're nervous, but we've got someone on the phone who would like to speak to you," Liam smiled, Niall then removing his hand from behind his back to reveal his phone screen.

"Louis, my baby boy," Jay cooed, her smile sending warmth to Louis straight away.

"I'm not a baby, mum," he complained, rolling his eyes as Niall and Liam sat on the bed with him.

"You'll always be my baby, now tell me everything, I need details!" His mum clapped her hands excitedly, and Louis couldn't help but smile at his mum's enthusiasm.

"It was so cute, Jay! He scored a penalty then ran over to Harry, lifting his football shirt to reveal a handwritten message, did you see the video I sent you?" Niall asked, gesturing with his spare hand.

"Wait, hold up, you recorded it and sent it to my mother?" Niall just nodded, continuing to tell Louis' mum about how Harry had beamed and accepted instantly, and how when the game was over Harry had run down to the pitch and kissed Louis. "Alright, thank you Niall, I think that's enough detail for one day!" Louis announced, grabbing the phone from him as Jay laughed. He shooed Liam and Niall out of his room, closing the door on their teasing faces and turning his attention back to his mum.

"It's alright, baby, I think I can handle my adult son kissing boys and asking them on dates," Johanna laughed, causing Louis to groan. "Anyway, Liam said you were worried about tonight and I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and that I'm proud of the person you're becoming." Louis smiled sheepishly at the floor, his mum's words replaying in his mind.

"You're proud of me?" he whispered, looking up once again.

"Of course, Lou. I've been proud of you your entire life, but I know how much of a big deal this is for you. I know you and Zayn would usually spend Valentine's Day watching romantic movies and eating expensive chocolates whilst you laughed at everyone's loved up Instagram posts, but I think it's great you've found someone to celebrate with differently this year. And from what I know about Harry, and what I saw when he came for your birthday, you're very special to each other and that deserves to be celebrated, so stop worrying, and just have fun!"

"Thank you, mum, really. I missed Z this morning, but Liam watched The Notebook with me this afternoon and Niall came home with a box of chocolates that he surprisingly shared, so it wasn't too bad. I really like him, mum, and I think I want to ask him to be my boyfriend, but I'm scared he'll say no."

"Louis, if Harry has agreed to be your Valentine, and you've been dating for a while, he obviously likes you, and I think he'd be stupid to turn you down. Go for it, darling, the best things exist at the end of your comfort zone."

Harry was also nervous. He hadn't had a Valentine since high school, so he was excited yet scared to see what Louis had in store for them. At exactly 4.30pm, as expected, there was a knock on his door. He opened it with a nervous smile, his smile becoming more genuine when Louis engulfed him in a hug. After saying their hellos, they got into Louis' car as he began to drive to their destination. They both sang along to the radio as they drove, and Harry noticed they were now on the outskirts of the city.

"Where are we, um, where are we going, Lou?"

"It's a surprise, but it'll take us over an hour to get there so just relax," Louis answered, his hand leaving the steering wheel so he could put it on Harry's leg. Harry smiled at the touch, looking out of the window to hide his grin. "You look beautiful, by the way," Louis said, Harry blushing slightly. He was wearing tight black jeans, a dark denim shirt, a long dark blue coat, and light brown boots. His hair was flowing naturally, his curls sitting below his shoulders as they fell around his face.

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