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Harry was in a room that vaguely resembled Louis' childhood bedroom, but Louis wasn't there. Harry was dressed in black, and it was clear he had been crying. He jumped when Liam and Niall walked in, pointing and scowling as the door slammed behind them. They were screaming something at him, and although Harry couldn't concentrate on their words, he knew it wasn't good. The boys left the room after pushing Harry to the floor, the bang of the door causing the walls around Harry to press in on him, making it feel like he was suffocating. Louis appeared in the window as Harry tried to claw his way out of the shrinking room, but instead of helping him escape, Louis' blue eyes just stared at him, his lips curving into a small smile. Louis was about to speak, but that was when Harry opened his eyes to find the TV playing the programme he had been watching earlier. He blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to where he was. He stood up, stretching his arms above his head as he felt his back crack. He needed to use the toilet. Harry stumbled towards the bathroom, glancing through the bedroom door at the empty bed as he passed by. He put his hand on the door, but that was when his previous thought struck him. Empty. He rushed back into the bedroom, throwing the duvet onto the floor as he shouted for Louis repeatedly. There was no response. He ran back into the main living area, his eyes darting around the kitchen to see if he was in there. Nothing. Harry began to get frantic as he called his name, praying that he would walk through the front door at any moment, and everything would be okay. He went back to the bathroom, opening the door and gasping at what he saw. Louis was laying crumpled on the floor, an almost empty bottle of pills scattered on the tiles, a vodka bottle clasped in his hand.

"Oh, God, Louis!" Harry cried, quickly bending down to check his pulse. Harry was crying as he tried to shake Louis awake, the only thing giving him hope was that he could still feel the faint beating of his heart through his wrist. He took a deep breath, running back to the sofa to get his phone and call for an ambulance. "I need an ambulance, quick. My boyfriend has overdosed, and I need him to live!"

"Sir, please calm down. Can you tell me exactly what has happened?" A female voice spoke softly through the phone.

"I was asleep, and when I woke up Louis was gone. I found him unconscious in the bathroom with a bottle of pills and alcohol on the floor. I think he tried to kill himself," Harry replied shakily, his spare hand gripping Louis'.

"Okay, what's your name and address, please?"

"Harry, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson is my boyfriend, he's the one who needs your help," Harry answered, telling the woman their address as the tears fell from his eyes. "I really need you to save him."

"An ambulance will be sent to you as soon as one becomes available. It is important that you listen to me, and do exactly as I say to help Mr Tomlinson before the crew arrive, can you do that for me?"

"Y-yes, anything, just please help him."

"Okay, Harry, what I'd like you to do is lay Louis in the recovery position. You need to kneel beside him and straighten his arms and legs whilst he's on his back. Tell me when you've done that." Harry did as he was told, telling the dispatcher when he had completed the task. "Great, now I need you to fold the arm closest to you over his chest, then place his other arm out wide, at a right angle." Harry followed the instructions carefully, not wanting to do anything wrong. "Now get the leg closest to you, and bed the knee. Once you've done that, support Louis' head and neck, and gently take the bent knee and carefully roll Louis away from you, so he's facing the opposite way." Only Harry's breathing could be heard as he moved Louis' body. "Adjust the upper leg, so both the hip and knee are bent at right angles and ensure Louis is steady and cannot roll. Have you done that?" Harry answered with a yes, waiting for what to do next. "Please tilt Louis' head back and make sure his airways are clear and open, we don't want him to vomit and choke on anything, okay?" Harry did as he was told, thanking the dispatcher when she said that was all he could do. "You've done brilliantly, Harry. The ambulance will be with you shortly, please make sure they have easy access to the property so they can get to Louis as quickly as possible. If there are any changes to Louis' condition, please call this number again." Once they hung up the phone, Harry made sure the door was unlocked before he knelt down beside Louis once more.

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