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By the Monday morning, Louis still wasn't ready to talk to Liam and Niall. He had texted them both multiple times over the weekend, and Liam couldn't have apologised for his behaviour anymore, but Louis still wasn't ready to face them just yet. Instead, he found himself sitting in Harry's car on their way to campus. Harry and Louis had managed to talk a bit over the last few days, and each time Louis spoke, he felt himself letting Harry further and further into his life. It wasn't as scary as he thought it would be, actually. When they arrived on site, Harry parked the car and opened his door, turning back to Louis to see that he hadn't taken his seatbelt off yet.

"Louis, I promise you, everything will, um, be okay," he reassured him, unclicking the seatbelt so Louis didn't have to. Louis nodded, taking a breath as he grabbed his stuff and got out of the car.

"I haven't been here in a while," Louis whispered, and Harry was surprised Louis was talking to him surrounded by so many people. He thought Louis would shut back down in this environment, but instead he was leaning on Harry for support.

"I know, but you've um, you've got me, okay?" Louis couldn't help but smile knowing he had Harry next to him. They were getting on so well, and Louis really did feel comfortable and safe around him. They walked through the chaotic corridors until they got to the lecture room, and Louis told Harry to sit down whilst he had a word with the professor who was sat at his desk at the front of the class.

"Um, Sir, can I talk to you, please?" Louis said quietly as he approached the desk, his professor's eyes looking up and being shocked that Louis was the one talking.

"Mr Tomlinson, it's lovely to hear your voice again. How may I help you?" Louis explained that he had been struggling to keep up with the work this term and he apologised for missing so many lectures, but he promised to do his best to catch up. "Louis, I understand. What you went through was incredibly traumatic for you, and I'm glad you seem to be taking some steps to overcome this. Mr Styles informed me previously that he has been helping you with notes and whatnot, so I'm sure he'd be willing to help you prepare for the upcoming exams." Louis smiled slightly at the mention of Harry's name, promising the professor that he would work hard from now on. He turned to leave, only for the professor to call his name once again. "Oh, and Tomlinson? You know my door is always open if you need anything." Louis then made his way up the steps towards his usual seat, a grin forming when he saw the pile of last week's notes under his chair. He rolled his eyes at Harry, smiling as he sat down and pulled out his laptop. For the first time in two months, he managed to pay attention throughout the whole lecture, taking notes that he knew he would be able to look back on properly.

"Excuse me, hello? I'm looking for Louis Tomlinson, you appear to, um, be in his seat, but the Louis I know doesn't take notes or pay attention or smile randomly during class," Harry smirked, earning a playful punch from Louis.

"Oh, be quiet," Louis laughed, "I can't help that you make me want to be a better person."

"I do?" Harry asked, walking beside Louis as they exited the classroom, joining the steady flow of students.

"Yeah, you make me want to at least try, you know?" Louis looked down sheepishly, he was still afraid to say the wrong thing, after all.

"Aw, Lou, I just want you to be, um, happy. Why all the smiles in there, though?" Louis smiled again, leading them out into the freezing December chill.

"I was thinking about you," he mumbled, pulling his coat further around himself.

"Sorry, I didn't quite, uh, catch that?" Harry pushed, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"You, you idiot," Louis repeated, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Sorry, just one more time, I think I'm going a little, um, deaf," Harry said, unlocking the car so they could get in.

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