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Jamie managed to stay in the tournament until the beginning of the second week, when he was convincingly beaten by a Russian with a powerful serve and daunting forehand. Louis and Harry had barely text since their fight almost two weeks ago, and whenever they did force a conversation, it was short and void of any real emotion. Louis had phoned Jay to complain and had received a few worried texts from Liam to say that Harry seemed down, but he knew that until he landed back in the UK there wasn't much he could do. He had a flight booked for two days' time, giving him a couple days to see what Australia had to offer.

Without Louis, Harry just wasn't himself. It was the first time they had really been apart since their relationship started, and Harry was struggling more than he thought possible. To begin with it was a normal level of missing someone, but after their disagreement it got worse. Harry missed Louis every second of the day and found himself googling the scores and watching the games just to catch a glimpse of his boyfriend. They hadn't talked much, and Harry knew it was mainly his fault. He had completely overreacted to Louis' busy schedule, taking things personally when he knew he shouldn't have done. Liam had been round twice, doing his best to drag Harry out of the hole he had buried himself in, but he wasn't having any of it. Harry would get up every day, go to work, come home, eat alone in front of the TV then go to bed. That was when he realised that he had no future without Louis. He'd always known he was in love with him and wanted a future with him, but it wasn't until that was taken away for a few weeks that it hit him just how desperately he craved a life with Louis by his side.

L: 'Hey, let me know when you're on your way home. I love you x'

Harry read as he grabbed his phone from his desk drawer. It had been a busy day at the office with a couple clients who seemed to want to make his life hell, so getting this text from Louis made him smile instantly. He knew Jamie had been knocked out of the tournament a few days ago, so he knew it wouldn't be long until Louis would be coming home. Just a few more days until the tournament ends and then he'll get to see his boyfriend. Harry swung his backpack over his shoulder as he closed the office door behind him, saying goodbye to the cleaning lady as he exited the building.

H: 'Just leaving now, why? And I love you too xx'

He placed his phone back in his pocket and began his journey home, the whole time waiting for Louis to reply, but it never came. By the time he got to the front door of the apartment, all he wanted to do was shower, eat and sleep. He placed the key in the door, pushing it forward as his mind drifted to what was in the cupboard that he could whip up quickly. That was when he had the shock of his life.

"Took you long enough," the beautifully familiar voice laughed, breaking Harry's thought process. He dropped his bag on the floor, slamming the door with his hand before running and jumping into his boyfriend's arms. Louis held him as Harry wrapped his legs around Louis' waist, nuzzling his head into Louis' shoulder. "God, I've missed you," Louis whispered, spinning around a few times as Harry giggled into his neck.

"I've missed you too. So, so much." When Louis put Harry down, they instantly went in for a kiss. To Harry, it was the best kiss of his life. He had been waiting weeks to have the taste of Louis' lips on his tongue, and now that it was happening, he couldn't have been happier. Louis smiled into the kiss, eventually breaking away to lead Harry to the sofa where they sat together, curled up just like they always had before.

"I know things weren't exactly smooth sailing, but I think time apart did us good. It's definitely made me appreciate you more and stop taking everything for granted, but I'm so happy to be home," Louis admitted, playing with Harry's fingers as a terrible programme played in the background.

"I'm sorry I made things difficult, but I really do love you, Lou," Harry apologised, gently kissing Louis' temple.

"No, it was both of us so I'm sorry too. I love you too, Haz," Louis smiled, the two of them going to bed happy that night.

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