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"To the newly engaged couple, Harry and Louis!" Liam announced, the table of guests raising their glasses and toasting the happy couple who were smiling widely at each other. After Harry had proposed, Louis had obviously said yes through his tears. They had kept the news just to themselves for the rest of their trip but had informed their family and friends when they got home. Johanna, Anne and Robin cried with pride at their sons, Phoebe and Daisy insisted on being bridesmaids, and Liam and Niall cheered at the thought of stag dos and open bars. It had now been a month since their announcement, and the first time everyone had been able to get together for a celebration.

"I can't believe my little boy is getting married," Jay whispered when she and Harry were stood at the side of the room, watching Louis dance the Macarena with his sisters.

"Thank you for allowing me to marry him," Harry smiled, laughing a little when Daisy pointed out that Louis was doing it wrong.

"I never could have said no to you, you're everything to each other. But, out of curiosity, what would you have done if I hadn't have given you my permission?"

"I would have proposed regardless, you don't let people like Louis go that easily." That was an easy answer for Harry, considering he had considered not asking Louis' mum for her blessing in the first place. He believed that, in the 21st Century, he did not need to ask for permission to marry the man of his dreams. They were adults and could decide things for themselves, and Harry didn't want to treat Louis like a possession. But, after much thought, he decided that Jay was his mum and she deserved to be respected. Harry wasn't really asking for permission, he was going to propose however the conversation went, but he wanted Jay to know that Harry loved her son and wanted to be his husband. He had asked over a Skype call one evening just after Louis got home from Australia and had been so nervous, he had thrown up beforehand.


"Harry, love, is everything alright? Is Louis okay?" Jay asked as soon as she saw Harry's rather pale complexion.

"Uh, yeah, hi, we're all good. Is this a bad time?"

"No, no, not at all. The girls have just gone to bed and Dan's trying to find a film to watch, what can I do for you?"

"Um, I want to take Louis on a weekend break for our anniversary, but I wanted it to be special, is there anywhere from his childhood he might like to revisit?"

"That's a thoughtful idea, I'm sure he'll love anywhere you choose! Let me think, we used to go to the Lake District sometimes, but that was when he was a little older. Oh, he loved Dorset! We'd spend a few weeks down there and Zayn would always come too, he's always said they were his favourite holidays as a kid, maybe think about that?"

"Dorset, right, I don't think I've ever been. Where's Dorset?" Harry asked, his face scrunching with confusion.

"It's a lovely county down on the South Coast, probably a couple hours from London. It has so many beaches and little towns to explore, like Weymouth, Dorchester and Bournemouth. We used to stay in Bridport and Louis insisted on going to West Bay every evening for fish and chips on the harbour. I think that would be your best bet if you wanted it to be nostalgic."

"Okay, thanks, I'll look into it," he replied, taking a shaky breath.

"Harry, darlin', what's the matter?" Jay asked, concern lacing her tone.

"Um, can I ask you another question?" Harry mumbled, his anxiety increasing.

"Of course, ask away."

"Your son is incredible, like, he takes my breath away every single day, and, I was wondering, you know, how you would feel if I were to, um, ask him to marry me?" There was silence as Jay seemed to freeze on the screen. "He just means everything to me, I love him so much and I want to be his forever," Harry rambled until Jay eventually processed everything.

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