62. Meanwhile...

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Within ten seconds of Lili and Eternity disappearing into the past, Rafe, Jake, and Abby were all startled out of their skins by the ringing of the telephone. 

Rafe grabbed it quickly, "hello?"

"Rafe!" Emma greeted her brother-in-law with a sigh of relief, "thank god you're home. We have a situation."

"What situation?" Rafe questioned sharply

"Well... Haarald and a delegation of King Robbie's dwarves are in the Cambridge Falls mountains, taking a shipment of dwarf crafted weapons to the river to be sent to their buyers. Scouts from Gabriel's village saw a group of Robert's screechers and imps and dark wizards preparing to ambush them and steal the weapons. Dena contacted me and said she's rounding up as many warriors as she can and trying to get there fast, but she needs help. I'd go, but I'm surrounded by ordinary humans right about now and can't make a portal yet. You're the closest one," Emma explained in a rush. 

Rafe frowned deeply, "I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks." Emma ended the call and Rafe put the phone down, biting his lip to keep from cursing in front of the children. Lili and Eternity still weren't back yet, but his allies were having an emergency and could really use his help fending off the attack. He wasn't sure what to do about it all. 

"What was that, dad?" Jake asked.

"A group of King Robbie's dwarves are in danger and they, as well as Dena and her warriors, need backup," Rafe answered, "Emma requested my help."

Ever the compassionate boy, Jake said, "then you have to go help them! They're our friends! We help our friends!"

"I would in a heartbeat, but Lili and Eternity aren't back yet, and I won't let them return here alone," Rafe replied. 

"Then let me and Abby go," Jake urged, "we're magically talented and I can make a portal to bring Dena and her warriors along real quick. Besides, I want to help our friends and stop Robert, any way I can."

"Absolutely not! I'm not sending you two into danger. Yes, you're both powerful magicians and very determined and intelligent individuals. Yes, I trust you. But you're my children, and you're twelve and eleven, and I won't send you into battle," Rafe said.

Jake protested, "But people are in danger!"

"It's my responsibility as your father to keep you safe," Rafe said firmly, "let me keep you safe, Jake."

Jake looked as if he wanted to argue. He was skilled, but sometimes overconfident in his ability to use those skills of his, and combined with his big heart, it was easy for him to ignore his father's logical protests of safety in favor of saving his friends. But he knew that look in his father's eye, the one that said Rafe would not budge on this. Jake's father had quite the death stare, as did his mother for that matter. It was no wonder Lili could shoot one hell of a dirty look when she wanted to (Jake would have to ask her to teach him it, someday).

"Um, dad?" Abby asked, butting into the father and son's conversation.

"Yes, Abby?"

"I have an alternative suggestion."

Rafe tilted his head to one side, curiously, "go ahead."

"What if you went to assist Haarald and Dena and stop Robert's ambush, while Jake and I wait here for Lili and Eternity. I know you'd rather be there when they got back, but I promise you that we can handle things here while you're gone. We did do a lot of the research that went in to making their time traveling possible, so we know what's going on. And if something goes wrong, we'll get in contact with you right away," Abby said.

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