84. Mi Amor

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With the full force of Lili's magic flooding into her veins, Eternity felt as though she were no longer a girl, but a star. She felt made of light and darkness and fire, she felt as though there was lightning in her blood. It was intoxicating and she couldn't help but love the feeling, even as she continued to siphon almost overwhelming amounts of energy away from Lili's soul, her hands still firmly clasped around Lili's wrists so the blonde girl could not do anything or pull away. Eternity didn't want it to come this far, but she needed to make Lili tired and dizzy enough to pass out, so that she would stop causing destruction and come home.

Eternity could feel the exact moment that Lili realized what was happening. The calm mastermind behind the carnage of battle was gone, the loving girl that was both devoted and destructive was gone. A desperate, frantic thing, all animal and confused, was left behind. Lili began trying to tear herself away, to pull her hands out of Eternity's vice-like grip. But the pink haired girl held fast, digging in her nails, though she hated doing so, to keep Lili in reach.

"E! Eternity! Stop it! Stop this!" 

Lili's panicked voice was like a bullet to the heart, but Eternity forced herself to ignore it. She'd spent so long ignoring her feelings, shoving her heart into the shadows to be shut away alongside her past - what was one more day of it? Tomorrow, she would apologize, she would regret, she would feel. But first she had to make it through today.

"Eternity, please!"

Eternity just pulled Lili closer, so close that the gap between their chests, their faces, it was mere inches. Eternity could feel Lili's panting breaths on her cheek, she could feel the heat between them. Together, with the sixteen year old holding fast to her fallen blonde other half, they formed a perfect loop - infinity stretched between them, and in that moment, there was no start and no end, only two girls, each broken in their own way, with magic stretching between them, with love and rage and sorrow at war in their hearts. 

Lili shrieked and struggled and yet Eternity pushed on, focusing only on the threads between them, pulled tight. She opened herself to the magic that lived inside Lili's soul, let it enter her, filling her up. It was powerful and heady, yes, but nothing like the magic of the Korku Tacir that she had devoured and destroyed the other day. It lacked the slimy, prickly wrongness that made her want to throw up, that made her innards twist and shrivel. Instead, this magic - Lili's magic - it felt as though she had starlight mixed into her bone marrow, it felt like warm soup on a cold day, it felt like coming home. Yes, it was devastating and dangerous, but it was familiar, familiar to her as Lili, familiar to her as herself. (And let's face it, herself and Lili were intertwined, so much that it was hard to tell where one girl began and the second ended.)

The shadows on the ground deepened, becoming so black they could swallow all that was too weak to stand up to their darkness. The light changed from dusty yellow to silver and gold, all celestial and magic. Emerald sparks trailed in the air, tickling Eternity's exposed skin when they fizzled out there, like bubbles, like kisses. It was as if the pair had stepped from real life into one of Eternity's paintings, as if the world had lost its limits and become color and line and possibility. 

All that magic, Eternity thought, and still there was more, more energy flooding her. She had forgotten, after so long of knowing Lili's insecurities and weakness and humanity, just how powerful the Wibberly girl truly was, just how much could fit into her abyss of a soul. It was strange, that so much depth could fit into such a small body. 

Lili stumbled forward, yelling something that Eternity refused to hear. She pulled the girl into a hug instead, her arms wrapping firmly around Lili's torso as Lili clung loosely to her. The smell of sweat and smoke and the flowery shampoo that Lili used still hung to those blonde tresses, wafting into Eternity's nose, so uniquely Lili that it rattled her to her very core.

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