15. Rescued

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Eternity was many, many things, but a natural storyteller was definitely not one of them. She tried her best to explain how she had first run into Lili to the rest of her new companion's family, but the words didn't roll easily off her tongue. She was used to never telling anyone anything, except maybe the most basic hint about herself. So it was a real relief when Lili and her mother sat down and Lili was able to take over the duty of explaining everything.

Eternity bit the inside of her cheek as she listened to Lili talk animatedly about their run from the imps. She definitely preferred the listening roll in this situation (strange for her, because she was usually quite loud and expressive). She also noticed how naturally telling a story came to Lili, contrary to the quiet and almost solemn attitude the girl seemed to have most of the time. Though, Eternity thought with amusement, she was able to dish out quite the barbs when she wanted to.

Lili wrapped up the story with Eternity chiming in on the details the blonde didn't know yet. They glossed over the part about Eternity's capture, and stressed the fact that she rescued herself though. Eternity was grateful for that. She didn't want this strange and magical family to think she was incompetent, or worse, a damsel in distress.

Lili did make sure to give her parents every detail she had heard the monsters say about Robert Lloyd, which to be fair, wasn't much. They knew he had control over said monsters, he wanted the Wibberlys captured, and he himself hadn't gone to New York. Other than that, it was a void of missing information.

Kate sighed deeply, "this is just..." she noticed the watching eyes of her children, and quickly changed her tone to avoid sounding hopeless, "this is a lot more difficult of a situation then expected, since Robert has those monsters on his side."

Rafe reached for her hand, "I know it is. But we can face it."

"Yeah," Jake spoke up, "at the very least, we can get some answers from the magical council once we get to Loris!"

Kate smiled at his optimism. That was her son, always trying to look on the bright side and using his knowledge to prove why it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Abby didn't seem too convinced though. Actually, she didn't seem to be paying attention much to the conversation at all. She was studying Eternity with an inquisitive look.

"What?" The teen asked, noticing the eleven year old's stare.

"It's just that you told us how you met Lili, but we know nothing about you. What's your background? What kind of magic do you have? If you're getting answers from us, I want answers from you," the girl declared.

Eternity was a bit taken aback. She hated sharing her past. But Abby and now Jake were scrutinize her as if she was under a magnifying glass. She sighed heavily.

"I grew up in New York. I've known Abigail since I was ten, and lived in magical New York since then too. I live my life and work some odd jobs and that works for me. My stories definitely aren't as adventurous as your family history, but I can tell you more about paint then you will ever want to know." 

She added a smirk to that last bit, and the two youngest Wibberly's exchanged frowns. She had given them practically nothing, which was a let down. They knew it was probably because she was a private person, but they admittedly were both nosy kids. Abigail and Lili had faith in her, so so did they, but they also were curious and wanted to know more.

"And your magic?" Jake prompted.

"It barely qualifies," Eternity said honestly, "it's more like a gift than anything. I can sense magic, which sounds weird, but it's true, and that's it."

Rafe frowned, "sense magic? How so?"

"I can see how much people have, what they're affinities are, and even distinguish certain spells like glamor. It usually requires the person to be in sight for it to work, and the closer I get, the more I can sense. Skin to skin contact gives me the best reading, but I can work pretty well without it. And sometimes if it's emotionally driven magic I can sense the emotions in the power," Eternity explained, "it's a source of information but not good for anything else, really."

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