37. The Heist

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It was dark in the tunnels (apparently Robert didn't care whether his temporary hideout was well lit or not) and the air smelled of dirt, rot, and a sharp odor that was probably blood, knowing the way Screechers and Imps tore into their food and prey. The small group of thieves were pressed into an empty alcove of shadows, waiting for the signal, which Jake and Beetles would produce.  

"How deep underground are we?" Dena asked.

"Not as deep as you would assume," Michael said, "these don't seem to be as buried or as extensive as a lot of dwarf mines from their time. I'd say between 30 and 40 feet."

"That's still a lot of dirt above our heads," Emma frowned, "are you sure this isn't gonna collapse on us if we have to fight with magic?"

"Of course not," Michael said in his most exasperated know-it-all voice, "dwarfish tunnels can last millennia. They're far sturdier than anything humans make and the work is incredible. You see, they-"

"I get it, we're fine!" Emma rolled her eyes, "no need for a whole lecture."

Michael huffed, "I was just trying to help."

"Alright you two," Rafe cut in, "there's no time for arguing."

Emma grumbled but didn't reply, and the fact that she was listening to him proved she knew just how serious this mission was. The way she was arguing in the first place showed her nerves, just like Michael's lecturing did. Both of them liked to control what they could to anchor them in a chaotic and frightening situation. Though Rafe was certain they would never admit it, it was something the two siblings had in common.

Another long moment passed of being quiet and waiting - Gabriel kept watch outside the alcove, his ghostly form barely visible in the dark - and Rafe held his breath. He hoped that for once in their lives Jake and Beetles could focus and pull this off.

A hand slipped into his and he squeezed it tightly, comforting Lili, who looked anxious even as she pretended she wasn't. And yet, when Rafe looked at her face, he saw stubbornness in her set jaw and determination in her flashing eyes. Whatever danger came their way, she was committed to facing it.

It made him incredibly proud. It also broke his heart.

There was no time to dwell on that though, because in the blink of an eye, Jake and Beetles' distraction began. Loud 'BOOMS' echoed through the caverns and shook the ground beneath their feet ever so slightly.

"Did they blow something up?" Dena asked.

Rafe couldn't help but chuckle, "I think they set off fireworks into Robert's army."

It was such a Jake and Beetles thing to do, and somehow they had done it right. It was also the obvious signal, and meant the next stage of the plan needed to begin.

"Alright," Rafe said, "time to split up. Emma, Gabriel, Dena, good luck. We'll meet you back at the house."

"Yeah, and by then, you'll have the scroll," Emma declared, with all the ferocity she had been wielding all her life. Then she and her fellow warriors ran down the tunnel. It was Dena and Emma's job to keep the monsters and sorcerers and army members from getting to the thieves themselves while they nabbed the scroll. It wasn't an easy job, but both women had excellent sword-skills and Gabriel to watch their backs.

Rafe was confident they would succeed. Now his group would have to do the same.

"Come on," he announced, and the other three followed him in the opposite direction of the warriors. Into the very heart of the tunnels, which was also known as Robert Lloyd's base of operations.

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