47. The Locket Experiment

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"So, I see some very serious scientific methods are at work here."

Abby turned, seeing Eternity leaning in the doorway to the two youngest Wibberly's room. A smirk tugged at her lips as she took in the signs of a research frenzy - books scattered across every surface, magical objects laying about, the divider curtain pulled open to make the room one big space. And of course, Jake, who was in the process of 'very serious scientific methods' also known as pacing back and forth while waving a plastic dinosaur he used to play with in third grade around.

Abby groaned, "what are you doing?"

"Banishing negative energy and summoning good luck," Jake replied. 

"Very logical," Eternity commented sarcastically. 

Jake didn't seem bothered, "we need all the help we can get. Abby and I stayed up late last night and between then and our work all day today, we think we have some theories about time travel. This is just me hoping they make sense."

"It's a dinosaur, though. Shouldn't you wave, like, a watch or something?"

Jake rolled his eyes, "dinosaurs are extinct creatures. It connects to time travel. Don't question it."

"He gets like this when people judge his ideas and if he's making sense," Abby informed the pink haired teenager. 

"So? You pout any time anyone solves a problem before you," Jake argued with his sister.

"Just because I'm a sore loser at Clue, doesn't mean I'm a sore loser in real life. Stop spreading misinformation," Abby snapped. Eternity grinned at their antics. Abby and Jake might have been both best friends and partners in all things research, detective, and experimental, but they were still siblings and they still argued like it at times. 

Jake sighed, "okay, well, I think I've wrung as much luck out of this thing as I can. Time to see how accurate these theories really are."

"Wait," Eternity interrupted, "what are the theories? And how the hell do you plan on seeing if they're accurate?"

Abby and Jake exchanged looks. Eternity had the distinct feeling that they were scheming. A part of her wondered if she should be concerned. Another, more reckless part of her wanted to join in.

"Okay, we could actually use your help. But first, you have to go get Lili? We need her too," Abby decided.

Eternity raised an eyebrow, "really? And is this something she'd want to be involved in?"

"Convince her," Abby said, "please, Eternity. I know dad might not want to believe it, but this could be the breakthrough we need."

"Okay, I'll try," Eternity sighed, her desire to help the Wibberlys overwhelming all else, "but what makes you think I'd be better at persuading her to help then either of you?"

"You're her best friend, and you're older than us," Jake said.

Abby nodded, "and because she likes you."

"I'd hope she'd like me, if I'm her best friend," Eternity smirked. But she walked out of the room with purpose, setting out to do what they asked of her.

Jake turned to Abby, "were you just testing our not-time-travel hypothesis?"

Abby replied, "yep. I still think Lili has a crush on her, and they're just both too ridiculous to see it."

"You're probably right," Jake agreed. Then, after a moment - "I like Eternity a lot. She's cool. And she and Lili make a good team. I hope they get things figured out."

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