63. Arrows And Teleportation

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Their first stop was Gabriel's lovely village, known for producing warriors and magicians with strong senses of honor and courage, as well as having quite the communal feel to it. They appeared in front of Granny Peet's, and found the clever wise-woman waiting for them.

"Jacob Wibberly," the elderly woman said, "Abigail Wibberly. Welcome. What are you doing here?"

"Forgive me for the intrusion, ma'am," Jake said politely, "I just had a feeling that something bad would happen during the battle Dena and my father are leading your warriors into. I wanted to come and see if they had already left to assist Haarald and his crew."

Granny Peet nodded gravely, "yes, your father created a portal and Dena, along with four other warriors, left to battle Robert Lloyd's creatures of power. How he got so many monsters on his side, I do not understand."

"He recruited from the Dire Magnus's old supporters to fill the power gap that was left after his demise," Abby answered.

"Ah, I see," Granny Peet said.

"Granny Peet," Jake questioned, "do you think my instincts are correct? Should I go home or should I go to assist my father and the others?"

Abby looked at her elder brother in surprise. Normally he was confident in the decisions he made and rarely asked for advice. But he was looking at Granny Peet with both eagerness and respect, and Abby realized that even her brilliant fellow detective had things to learn after all. 

Granny Peet said, "I would trust your instincts. You are the grandson of a scryer and the son of a time traveler, are you not? Your instincts run deep within you, and you should follow them, but be smart about it. Protect your family, and protect yourself. I believe that if you think you are needed somewhere, that is where you should go."

"Thank you for your advice. I had thought that I was doing the right thing, but I can be reckless and overconfident sometimes, like Abby told me earlier. I wanted the second opinion of someone wise and experienced," Jake said.

Granny Peet waved her wrinkled hand dismissively, "do not thank me, child. Just go help those you care about."

"I will," Jake promised fiercely.

"Correction, we will," Abby chimed in, causing her brother and the wisewoman to both favor her with smiles.

"Good luck," Granny Peet said, before Jake ripped open another portal and sent them through, chasing their father, their allies, and their enemies, and hoping they wouldn't get there too late.


As soon as the two pre-teens exited the portal, Abby practically tackled her brother to the ground so they were both tucked behind a large rock and a cluster of thick bushes and tall grass. Jake scowled, "what was that for?"

"Look," Abby hissed.

The two were on a higher ledge, separated by a sloping wall of grass and rock from the mountain trail the dwarves used to transport their goods. Jake saw a battle had already begun, Haarald and three dwarves, Dena and four warriors, and Rafe, all working to combat Robert's forces. Two dwarves protected the cart of weaponry they were looking to sell, while Haarald and a female dwarf swung axes at the nearest imps. Dena directed the two men and two women under her command to use their swords and falchions to cut down the screechers. Rafe, meanwhile, was locked in battle with a sorcerer, demolishing the whirlwinds being thrown at him. 

"I'd say that's two dozen imps, a dozen screechers, and one sorcerer," Jake whispered.

"Not there," Abby corrected him, "look up."

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