18. Request Denied

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Despite Lili's claims of spending forever on that roof looking at the stars, they eventually realized they needed to go in before people began to worry. So after awkwardly climbing up and through the window, they apologized to Gabriel for taking so long (for his part the warrior was unfazed, by now this was nothing) and decided to try and catch some sleep. Eternity took the couch while Lili curled up beside her sister, Gabriel leaving the room to find the other adults and hear what had happened with the council, now that his charges were resting.

What he found, however, were three tired people anxious to close their eyes, and the ghost decided that all talk could wait for the morning. Soon Emma had crashed in the room she always used while on Loris (the one that was basically hers now) and Kate and Rafe were looking in to make sure their children were ok before going to the room across the hall. Gabriel wandered the hallways a bit longer - old guarding habits died hard, even when the person with them was already dead, and wondered what would happen when the sun rose tomorrow.


Morning came with sun streaming in through the windows of the citadel and Rafe seeking out fruit and toast so everyone could have some breakfast. The slightly tired but fairly sharp minded Wibberly family, including Gabriel and Eternity and minus Michael, were gathered in the room the children had stayed in while Kate explained - with a great deal of anger poking through in her tone - the doubts the magical council had.

"Fools," Gabriel reacted first, "such fools! They were there for both the first and second battle of Loris, and fought hard for the peace that blossomed after. But peace takes hard work, it doesn't just stay, you must fight the challenges that come to threaten it."

"Maybe a council of warriors would have been able to see that," Abby suggested, kicking her feet back and forth.

Gabriel smiled at the young girl in a grandfatherly manner, "quite possibly. Though I don't think suggesting to replace all our representatives with warriors would go over well."

Abby giggled even as her brother, who was sitting cross legged beside her, frowned, "it's so stupid. You would think you all would be credible, especially at assessing threats. They should trust you, no matter what resources they feel are limited. This is important."

"That's politics for you. A bunch of stuffy fools lecturing each other and never getting anything done," Emma grumbled, "I have no idea how Michael puts up with it all."

Eternity yawned from where she sat on the couch, "so Abigail was absolutely right when she said the council was all idiots? Got it."

"Abigail declined a permanent spot after the battle of Loris," Rafe remembered aloud, "she always said it was because of her duties in New York but I think it's because she couldn't tolerate dealing with this all the time."

"I don't blame her," Emma declared.

Kate sighed, "it's all very stupid, I agree. But what's important is what happens next. The verdict on what to do if anything comes in at sunset. Do you think Michael will be able to convince them?"

Emma shrugged, "I mean, he's rather good at getting people to listen with his fancy, brainy words and stuff. Well, people other than me that is. He's been a good researcher and a good mediator for the council. That's encouraging."

"Yes, but remember, he's also one of the youngest on the council and I think sometimes they forget his expertise because of that," Rafe spoke up, "my worry is that they'll ignore him and say he's being paranoid because of past events."

Kate frowned, "that has happened before, but on minor issues. Still-"

"What will we do if the council won't help track down Robert?" Jake piped up. Abby's face paled at the thought, and Lili reached over to squeeze her hand. Kate's frown tightened as she saw the way this was getting to her beloved children.

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