48. The First Jump

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Needless to say, Rafe hadn't been happy when he discovered the four children had disobeyed his orders and risked their lives by experimenting with time travel. He couldn't say he was surprised though; these were kids who grew up with Michael and Emma for influences. It was honestly a miracle they ever listened, it was no shock that when they were determined to do something important, they did it with no regard for the adults in charge. Still, that didn't stop him from giving them a scolding for being reckless with their lives, and telling them not to go behind his back like this again. 

After that, though, he had hugged each one of them and told them how very smart and brave they were, his awe at what they had accomplished showing through. Then they had got to planning. They had time travel on their sides, albeit a rough estimation of what the atlas once did. Still, it was enough to get them the last three pieces, so they could continue their original plan to use the Scroll of Souls to heal Kate and assist in defeating Robert.

Four days were spent planning the first of the three retrievals. The fifth day was devoted to the first jump. Lili and Eternity were going to retrieve the piece in Cambridge Falls that had crossed paths with the Countess, the one that had gone down with her awful boat.

It was a daunting task, but there had never been a challenge the Wibberly family couldn't face, and they weren't about to let time and a soggy piece of paper bring about their downfall.

"Are you absolutely sure you know exactly where and when you're going?" Rafe questioned, a firm hand gripping Lili's shoulder. 

Lili nodded, "yes. We're going to the Countess's boat in the Cambridge Falls lake, back when there was a lake. We want to get there before the Countess moves the children of Cambridge Falls onto the boat, so we're aiming for a few days before mom and Uncle Michael and Aunt Emma use the atlas for the first time. We looked at plenty of pictures from that time period and we have the date memorized."

"Good," Rafe said, "and what are you going to be avoiding while you're there?"

"The Countess and her Secretary, as well as any screechers," Lili replied, "we're to stay out of their way and not interact with them, and we're to try avoiding everyone else by going directly to the boat, so we don't have the chance to draw suspicion to ourselves."

"And what are you watching out for while on the boat?"

"The Countess's monster," Lili said, "which is very dangerous to fight, because it nearly killed Gabriel, but which can be defeated if need be, because it has a fear of water."

"Right." Rafe took a deep breath and let it out. He was nervous, more nervous than Lili, and that was saying something. He knew, of course, that Lili and Eternity were intelligent, that they knew the plan back and front by now, but that didn't stop him from worrying. Time travel wasn't something to take lightly. 

Father and daughter entered the living room, which had been transformed into what Abby and Jake were calling 'mission control'. Stacks of spellbooks littered the coffee table and the sofas, Jake kneeling among them. Abby paced the floors and drew the curtains shut so no one could peek into the windows and see the events about to transpire. As for Eternity, she was slung in an armchair, her legs hanging over the side, watching the two younger children work with obvious curiosity. 

"Are we ready to go?" Rafe asked. 

Abby turned to face him, "We're set up here. As long as everyone else is prepared, we can get started."

"I'm ready," Jake chorused. 

"Me too," Lili seconded. 

Eternity grinned, already feeling the adrenaline rush of adventure that she really did enjoy, "let's do this."

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