75. Emerald Fire

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Rafe was quite certain that, no matter how many distractions they had put in play, they had still walked into a trap. Robert knew they were here, if the number of screechers and imps rushing up the stairwell and down the halls to confront Rafe and his two younger children meant anything. He didn't have time to dwell on this turn of events, though, nor feel guilty for bringing his stubborn, wonderful children along into the trap. There was a fight to be fought, and to be won, and win it Rafe would. To protect his children, all four of them (for Eternity was his child too, not by blood but by love) he had to.

"Three coming from down!" Jake called, from his position behind a small outset of wall that showed a divide between the hallways and the stairwell landing that the three Wibberlys were trapped upon.

"I've got it!" Abby shouted back. She had given up on her slingshot and was now just throwing her enchanted stones and projectiles at the monsters. She did just this, tossing a large gray rock down the stairs at the three screechers, where, upon making contact with the first one, sent jolts of lightning magic through its rotting body, the voltage soon spreading to its two companions by way of the close quarters and static electricity in the air. 

Jake, meanwhile, created another portal, right under the feet of two imps, sending them some place that was no doubt quite nasty. Also known as an active volcano, Rafe thought with amusement, having caught a glimpse of exactly what lurked beneath his son's enchanted doorway. He had to hand it to his children, they were nothing if not creative and clever in the face of danger. When they were outnumbered and smaller than their enemy, they employed underhanded tactics and rare spells - it made part of him, the part that had been so dedicated to leading a gang of magical children back in old New York, swell with pride. 

"Dad!" Abby shouted, "look left!"

Rafe pivoted around to see the glint of a screecher's blade. He waved a hand quickly, causing the metal of the blade to turn into water, leaving the monster itself holding what was merely an empty handle. 

"He has more monsters than I thought," Jake said. The boy's hair was soaked with sweat and he was panting as he backed up to his father and sister. 

"I know," Rafe replied, "despite our distractions to try to throw him off, Robert was expecting us."

Abby frowned deeply, "that's not good, especially since we haven't seen him at all. Do you think he's trying to throw all these monsters at us to tire us out before coming to face us?"

"Or did he run away from the fight because he's afraid of you?" Jake added.

Rafe didn't know, but he didn't get a chance to express his uncertainty to his children. Not before a sickening crack rang out and dust and debris began to rain down like pebbles, like hail. A chunk of the ceiling was being caved in on top of them.

Rafe reacted instinctively, grabbing Jake around the shoulders and Abby by the wrist, thrusting them with all his might behind his back, pressing them against the wall while conjuring a shield around all three of them. The rubble collapsed, thudding against the semi-translucent shield of emerald and shadows, but the power held, and eventually the debris slid off the shield and the dust settled.

Unfortunately, the structural failure had given the screechers and imps time to advance, and Rafe, along with his two children, were now pressed against a single wall with enemies approaching rapidly from three sides. Rafe, still keeping the pre-teens tucked behind him, raised his hands, allowing flickering flames of bright green to trail from them. 

The first screecher lunged, its terrible cry ripping from its throat as it raised its jagged blade high. Rafe incinerated it with his burst of flame. 

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