39. Gathering Of The Wibberlys

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It took four days to arrange the gathering, where all the Wibberlys would all discuss what to do about the scroll and the Countess, about Robert, and about Kate. Rafe didn't know how this would go, but he was already worried. Not because he didn't trust their judgment or think they had the best interests at heart. He did. But he knew that as good as the Wibberlys were, they were stubborn people, and that meant arguing and overanalyzing, which in turn left him trying to keep things on track so that something could get done - they were the only ones willing to do it after all.

It was just a lot, and considering he and the Wibberlys had a complicated relationship over the years, not necessarily something he was looking forward to.

He liked Richard and Clare, of course, and though it had taken many years, they had adjusted to him too. For the most part their relationship was pleasant and civil, if a little stiff at times. But that was with Kate there, bringing them together. Since Kate's injury, Rafe had not spoken to them - Michael and Emma both had taken turns explaining the situation and offering reassurance, he himself had not had the chance.

So Rafe was rather worried about that conversation too, even if those fears were a touch irrational. He was definitely the most worried member of the household, though just down the hall, Lili was giving him a run for his money.

The eldest Wibberly child was currently sitting cross legged and bleary eyed on her bed, a glass of orange juice clutched tightly in her hands. She had spent a good five minutes when she was first awoken cursing Michael and Wilamena's schedule which had forced this gathering to start early. Adding her ever more frequent nightmares to the mix, and she was sleep-deprived and grumpy, but most of all, stressed.

Eternity had only met Wilamena twice before, briefly, when she and Michael had come over to deliver information. She had never met Richard and Clare (the one time they were supposed to visit, Lili had been sick and Eternity stayed home with her and Rafe, while Kate, Abby, and Jake went ahead). Which, Lili thought with a panic, left her the job of conducting introductions between her roommate and her family members.

Was that an easy task that she was getting disproportionately worked up over? Yes, and she knew it. But she was already full of concern about how this would go, if they could find any solutions or plans, or if everyone would dissolve into arguing. She was worried about Kate, and scared because of Robert, and had no clue what to do about the scroll and the Countess. It was a lot for a sensitive fifteen year old like Lili, and introductions were just another thing she had to deal with.

Also, Lili really did not like, or understand, the rules of social interaction. So that had something to do with it too.

"It's too early to be thinking as much as you are right now," Eternity groaned from where she was sprawled on the trundle bed.

"How do you know I'm thinking," Lili scowled, equally as bad tempered in the morning, "you're not a mind reader."

Eternity blew out a gust of air, sending a pink curl blowing away from her face, "you have that look on your face. The stressed one that it's too early for."

"I don't want to be thinking so much," Lili protested, "but I'm worried."

"I'll try not to embarrass you too much in front of your extended family," Eternity said immediately.

Lili rolled her eyes, "not about you! You're fine. It's everything else."

"Drink your orange juice, it helps with stress," Eternity yawned, not entirely paying attention. In her defense, she was tired.

Lili sighed, but in a fond way, "I think I like you awake and alert a lot more than whatever morning you is doing right now."

Eternity snorted in agreement, "morning me is a real bitch."

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