40. Arguments And Experiments

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Jake Wibberly had plans. He always did - he was a smart boy, after all, and being a Wibberly, was never one to leave things alone, especially mysteries. So he had decided to stay out of the way of the meeting the adults were having (the one he was positive would include a lot of arguing, if solely because of Michael and Emma's presence) and take the chance to use all the space of the house to act on his ideas.

He grabbed a duffel bag and started shoving in every spell-book he could find. His younger sister and partner in questioning and investigating things, frowned, "where are you going?"

"Just to the backyard. This makes the books easier to carry," Jake replied.

"You can't read in here?"

"I can. But I don't wanna practice magic in here in case things go wrong. Remember last time?"

Abby cringed, thinking of how she and Jake had accidentally set their bedroom curtains on fire. Nothing was damaged, but their parents had been less than pleased when they found out. "That's probably a smart idea, especially with everyone in the house. Let's go."

Jake wasn't surprised that she was coming along. Abby loved to play detective, even more than he did. Though, this time, it wasn't playing. This was more than a fun little game, or even research into some magical phenomena. This was about preparing for the day they had to protect their family in the face of Robert's threats. 

He hoisted the bag of books over his skinny shoulders and headed for the door, Abby following him. He paused, and asked her, "should we see if Lili and Eternity want to join in?"

Abby wrinkled her nose, "and watch them make googley-eyes at each other all day? No thank you."

Abby and Jake both liked Eternity a lot. She was cool, and after fighting alongside them so bravely, basically family. But it was obvious she and Lili felt something for each other, and they were always flirting. Though they didn't seem to realize it. Still, sometimes it got a little ridiculous.

"Good point, they've probably got other things to do anyways," Jake said. And with that, the youngest of the Wibberlys raced downstairs and to the back door, not even noticing the teens laying on their stomachs and eavesdropping in the living room.


"We can handle this on our own! We don't need the useless magical council for backup, and we definitely don't need the stupid Countess!" Emma shouted.

"Aren't you the one who worked with her in the land of the dead?" Michael questioned.

"I was twelve and trapped alone at the time! I literally had no one else to turn to! And she was at least being useful then! Now she's just trying to control us and I won't let her! I say we keep the pieces of the scroll we have and tell her to go to hell!" Emma slapped her hand on the table as she finished her rant.

Michael rolled his eyes, "and then what? You face Robert yourself? Last time you went against him alone, you got thrown in a cell, and I don't think he'd be that polite a second time."

"I can take him," Emma growled, "but I have Gabriel and Dena and you all, so I am not alone."

"Dena's still recovering from her injury," Gabriel reminded her calmly, always the voice of reason, "she will be fine, but the imp's blade gave her a nasty scratch and Granny Peet says she needs to regain her strength."

Emma frowned, "ok. Then we'll all handle it without her so she can recover-"

"Yes," Michael said loudly, interrupting her, "there's seven of us in this room and one of them is dead - no offense Gabriel - and Robert has built a whole army around experimental magic. You really think that would work?"

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