45. A Little Detail

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There was a long debate between Rafe and the children over if they would be going with him to attending the meeting with the Countess. After many arguments, he managed to implement his order to have Abby and Jake stay home (they were still in middle school, for goodness sakes!) and practice more spells on the locket's shielding powers that they had discovered. Lili, however, was adamant about wanting to come with him, and Rafe knew that no matter how hard the past days had been for her, or how badly the last meeting went, she wouldn't tolerate sitting on the couch doing nothing or being given a filler task. She was like Kate in that aspect; neither could rest while their loved ones were fighting. 

Naturally, Eternity had wanted to come with her. Ever since those few days ago when she had broken down and told them her life story, she had been off. It was clear she was trying to pull her mask of sarcasm and confidence on, but now things were slipping through like they weren't before - little looks of pain and sorrow, and moments when she seemed deeply angry at the world and at her father. She had also silently asked for more comfort than she did in the past, more hugs and more reassuring hand squeezes - which all of the Wibberlys gladly gave her. They took care of each other, and she was one of them, even if she was only just starting to see it.

Somehow, despite all his concerns and attempts at dissuading him, they wore him down, saying he needed backup and they would never forgive themselves if they let him go alone and something happened. After all, Lili keenly pointed out, Emma and Gabriel weren't going to be at the manor for this meeting. Which was quite a good point, and convinced Rafe to agree to let them come.

As they walked up the path to the Cambridge Falls Mansion, he hoped he had made the right decision.

Despite the fact that it was mostly sunny and one o'clock in the afternoon, the building felt more foreboding then ever. The fact that the Countess might have crucial information that could be the key to ending this fight was quite high stakes after all. Their safety, Kate's life, and the world all hung in the balance here.

Rafe held the door for the pair of teenagers, and they made their way to Dr. Pym's old office, which, despite the entire Wibberly family and Miss Sallow's efforts, was still messy five years after the wizard went on to permanent rest. The Countess was waiting for them, and a thick notebook sat on the desk behind her.

"I'm impressed," she said airily as they entered, "I was worried you couldn't pull the heist off. But you got the scroll, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Good for you."

"I don't have time for small talk, Countess," Rafe growled, "you said you have information for us, and that's the only reason I'm here."

"Yes of course, come, have a seat. Everything I know is in this notebook, which that annoying woman, Sallow, brought up for you. I don't know why Pym ever employed her. She's dreadful," The Countess complained.

Eternity, throwing herself into a chair and swinging her legs over one of the arms, interjected, "I think your confusing your personality with hers. You're the dreadful one."

The witch rolled her eyes, "and hello to you too, Emily."


"I don't care," she said, "what I do care about, is keeping Robert Lloyd away from me and all I have. So let's discuss the scroll."

"You start," Lili said quietly. The ghost looked at her warily, and there was fear in her violet eyes. She clearly remembered what Lili had done last time they met, and she clearly knew there was only so far she could push without chancing a repeat.

Good, Lili thought, with a spark of satisfaction. 

The Countess paused, for dramatic effect, before speaking again, "you'll be pleased to know that through my old contacts in magical circles, I have found not one, not two, but all three locations of the missing pieces, and detailed their stories into writing for you. Just as I said I would. And am I not a woman of my word?"

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