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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 14: SUBTLE SIGNS.


Boma snuggled closer to me, placed his arm around my shoulders and held my hand gently, pulling me closer to himself. He stroked my hair softly as my tears flowed out freely, down my cheeks. It seemed like, the more I tried to force the tears to stop, the more they poured abundantly. However, Boma consoled and comforted me in his arms.

I held him tight as I basked in the nostalgia of my mother's loving memories, and the memories of my childhood. I hadn't been that emotional before.

Just then, the door opened and Mimi walked in. Considering the position she met us, on a normal societal school of thought, one would initially think the other way round, and I wasn't surprised when she did. I saw the look she had on her face; a very complex one indeed.

Quickly, Boma and I adjusted ourselves and sat up properly on her entry.

“What's smelling here?” Mimi asked, sniffing the air as though it contained deadly diseases all around. Boma and I glanced at each other, obviously puzzled.

“Like seriously, you guys don't smell anything? Something is burning.” She complained. And that was when it clicked!

“Shit! The food!” I instantly jumped to my feet and rushed straight into the kitchen, panicking like a complete psychopath, only to discover that my porridge sauce was already half burnt.

In just one day, I had experienced tons of bad luck: starting from my torn dress to the non-functional tap, which led to my epic fall along the main road that ruptured my sandal, and now my porridge sauce was ruined.

“How far with the food?” I heard Mimi's voice behind me when I turned off the stove.

"Why don't you see it for yourself? It's burnt." I said, annoyed.

“Burnt as in?” She came closer, looking startled. When she finally saw the content of the big pot, her eyes widened in shock, and she yelled: “My goodness! I hope this is not the food I've been looking forward to eat, Fifi?”

“It's still manageable.” I suggested, trying my best to keep my temper in check.

“I can't eat that.”

“So what do I do?”

“What do you mean by what-do-I-do? You cooked it so you should as well know what to do!” Mimi was practically shouting at me, tempting me to retaliate, but I retained my calmness regardless.

“If you can't eat it, then you leave it!” I exclaimed with finality and left her presence.

The funny thing was that, me and Mimi had never quarreled in that house until then. I knew I was unnecessarily transferring my aggression on her due to the bad day I had, but I couldn't help it. I was stressed out. COMPLETELY stressed out.

I returned to the room and joined Boma on the bed. Mimi walked out of the kitchen, hissed past us and left the room with anger.

“What happened?” Boma asked, on seeing my foul countenance.

“I'd rather not talk about it.”

“Is it because of me?” He pestered on.

“No. It's not even you. It's something else entirely.”

“Hmm… In that case, I better take my leave.”

He stood up and started heading to the door.

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