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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 33: A PAINFUL EXIT.


"Fifi I asked you a question. I said, what is this?" Boma thundered, jolting me out of my thoughts. I wanted to tell a lie. I had to be smart, and fast.

"Oh, you mean those? Those are just the t-tools w-we used!" I stuttered, even though it wasn't entirely a lie. But he didn't look convinced.

"Don't you freaking kid with me here, Fifi. You know what I mean! I'm talking about this test tool in my hand right now. What do these two green lines mean?" He raved, raising the test strip up. It was obvious that he knew the tool in his hand, and that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lie to him anymore. It was pointless to complicate issues any further. He deserved to know the truth.

"I am pregnant, Boma." I spilled, fidgeting, dreading the consequences of that very statement.

Boma looked shocked, frozen, numb. His countenance turned grim, uninviting.

"What did you just say?" Boma's voice was mild now, like a whisper.

"I'm very sorry," I bowed my head to avoid his eyes, "I had no choice."

"Fifi you lied to me?" His voice was very low, to my discomfort. "Why?"

I felt a tear trickling down my right cheek as my eyes became saturated with tears.

"I'm very sorry," I raised my head and focused on him. "It wasn't my intention! I didn't know how you would feel if I'd told you! I was afraid you wouldn't accept it!"

Our eyes were locked, his gaze slicing through mine like a knife in a birthday cake. I had never seen Boma so disappointed and upset before.

All of a sudden, as though on impulse, Boma dropped the items on the floor, clenched his right fist and punched the wall very hard. He folded his other hand and punched again, harder.

I could see how pained he was right then. I wasn't sure what to say or do to calm his burning temper, lest he unleashes his entire anger on me.

If only I could rewind time . . . if only I could.

"Fifi how could you?" Boma's voice gained pitch now, his head down.

"Boma I'm sorry, believe me it wasn't my intention. I didn't want to be a burden on you; I didn't want to ruin your life! I didn't know how you would feel about it, that's why I lied. I know you aren't ready for this!" I explained despite the tears streaming down my face.

"Will you just shut up?!" He barked, turning to me with a fierce look. I flinched at the intensity of his voice and the authority it carried. "Fifi just hear yourself out. Are you even making any sense?"

I swallowed hard, feeling stupid.

"My God! What kind of human being are you?" He continued ranting, pointing at me. "I took an oath with you, for goodness' sake! Do you know what it means to take an oath with someone? I love and cherish you with all my heart and you know it! What makes you think I'll ever do anything to hurt you?"

I was in tears by the time he concluded his statement. I couldn't even look him in the eyes anymore.

"Fifi I am disappointed in you." He finalized and sat down on the bed, placing both hands on his face with his head down again. "How old is it now?"

"It's just one week old." I replied, sniffling. "Although I-"

Suddenly, loud gunshots from the compound cut me off. Boma bounced to his feet immediately he heard it.

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