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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 18: A DISTRESS CALL.


I gasped continuously as we sped off. For the first time in my life, I knew what the fear of death felt like. I kept looking out the taxiʼs window to see if we had lost track of my pursuer.

If not for the taxi manʼs help, I wondered what wouldʼve been my fate by now. I thanked him immensely when he dropped me at my place, right in front of my gate. I hardly even checked the amount I handed to him to show my gratitude.

I explained my experience to Mimi when I got inside, and we both stayed at high alert afterwards. I fastened the doors with padlocks and closed the curtains, then I turned off the lights even before our bedtime. Mimi asked for more details of what happened and I narrated everything to her from scratch. She advised we call the police to file a report the next morning, but I decided against it since we didn't know what or who we were dealing with yet. She further advised me to call Boma and inform him about it, but I decided against that too, for reasons best known to me.

Somehow, we managed to pass the night peacefully despite our fears. Even though I hardly slept at all, Mimi did. She seemed to be less bothered about the issue, probably because she wasn't the one at the receiving end.

Unlike most mornings when she actually disturbed and woke me up with her prayers, I happened to be the one who woke her this time around. She stretched her arms out and yawned loudly as she sat up.

“Fifi, you are awake!” She muttered weakly, struggling to keep her eyes open. I nodded in response and pecked her on the cheek as we fondly did in our own way of greeting.

“Good morning,” she greeted. “Did you sleep at all?”

“I did, just a little bit.” I answered.

She heaved a sigh and yawned again, stretching her arms out in the process.

“Did you later call Boma to inform him?”

“No, it wasn't necessary.” I answered.

“But what if you had died, or gotten injured last night?” She said grumpily. “Would you still be talking this way?”

Just then, a call came through my phone. It was Akosua, my sister. She hardly called me unless she needed money or wanted something else, so I terminated the call and called her back.

“Hello, Akosua.”

“Hello Sister Fifi, good morning.” Her voice sounded quite shaky.

“Good morning, dear. Howʼre you doing?”

“I'm fine.” Akosua sounded very odd. I could sense the anxiety in her voice.

“Whatʼs the matter, dear? You are sounding unusual.”

“Sister, he told me not to tell you but I have no choice. I have to let you know…”

“I donʼt get you. Who is it? What’s going on? What’re you talking about?”

“It’s Daddy, Sister Fifi! Heʼs not feeling too well.”

“My goodness! What happened to him?”

“He had a heart attack after having dinner last night. He started groaning and holding his chest until he collapsed. I was helped by some neighbours to rush him to a hospital and since then we have been here. He only regained consciousness this morning and fell back to sleep after eating a little bit. I donʼt know what else to do!”

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