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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 24: ESCAPE.


Three days.

Three days of torture-merciless beatings, starvation and unending trials-weakened me severely. I became bony and pale beyond recognition, adding to the bruises and wounds all over my skin. I'd become a nightmare to behold in just three days.



I felt a splash of water surging through my entire body, bringing me back to life.

"Wake up, idiot," a voice yelled fiercely beside me. I opened my eyes slowly to see Big Tiny towering before me, holding a bucket in his hands.

I was still in my sitting position, with my hands and legs tied, and my mouth sealed. I looked around and noticed that we were both alone in the room, meaning that I was in grave danger in his care.

"Wetin you dey look?" Big Tiny yelled loudly. I tried to say something, but my voice croaked up.

"You wan talk?" He asked. I nodded in the affirmative.

He moved towards me and stood behind the chair, unwrapping the piece of dirty cloth off of my mouth. I gasped and breathed in as much air as I could once it came loose.

"Water, please." I begged weakly. "I am thirsty."

"You wan drink water?" He asked harshly.

I nodded again. "Yes, please."

"Take water!" He said and behold, I felt the cold water travelling down my whole body for the second time. He had poured it on me.

"Idiot!" He cussed and raised a hand to hit me, but then he stopped. I noticed him looking in-between my thighs in disgust.

"Wetin be that?" He asked, pointing there. I looked down at my thighs and saw blood trickling down slowly. Surprisingly, I was on my period. It'd come faster than I expected.

He waited for an answer, still glaring at me in disgust as I looked back at him too. Then all of a sudden, he spat out thick saliva and acted like he was about to vomit, and then he dashed out of the room, locking the door behind.

Shortly after, the door creaked and opened and another figure walked in. The figure held a tray containing a stainless steel plate, bottled water, a handkerchief and a tissue.

He pulled an empty chair close to me and sat on it, placing the tray on his laps. He then rolled out some tissue paper and reached for my thighs with it.

"Stop it!" I shouted at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

He paid no attention to me and extended his hand further.

"I said stop it!" I shouted again, shutting my legs. "I mean it!"

"Aunty, behave yourself." He simply said, way too calmly. "Stop resisting. I'm only here to help."

I watched how he scrubbed the chair with the tissue paper, as though he wasn't fazed by the sight of blood. He wasn't the same person I knew anymore. He wasn't the same kid I knew some days back. He wasn't the same innocent, helpless boy I thought he was.

He was something else now! Something different entirely, with a stone-cold face that deserved no place in the life of someone his age. I wondered what made him choose this path.

"What's your name?" I whispered to him, but he ignored me.

"Do you have parents?" I asked again.

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