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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 16: SURPRISE.


The little drama between Kingsley and Jovita was a real eye-opener that proved that they were, indeed, having issues. Despite our presence, instead of keeping whatever issue they had between themselves, they preferred to make a big deal out of it.

“What's up with those two?” Simon asked, looking puzzled.

“Leave them aside. The only thing I'm pained about right now is that I actually lost my bet to her.” Oluchi piped in, sounding annoyed.

“Lost to who?” Simon said.

“I lost to Jovita! We had a bet and I lost. I'm not even concerned about the money but her attitude. If not for Fifi's intervention before we came here, I would've given her a taste of her own medicine. She doesn't know how to talk politely.” Oluchi lamented. “Very rude lady!”

“Just shrug it off.” Simon said, taking her hand into his with a reassuring smile on his face. “Ignore her, babe.”

Kingsley returned with three other guys who introduced themselves as Uche, Bauchi and Eagle. They claimed that they came with a car and that they didn't mind giving us a ride back home. We all followed them and along the way, Boma held my hand and pulled me closer to his side. Oluchi and Simon also had their hands entwined, thereby making Mimi the odd one out among us. She coughed twice and I looked back, only to see her smiling right at me.

“What're you looking at?” I asked. Her smile widened as she winked at me in response, pointing at Boma.

“You are not serious!” I laughed, keeping my eyes back ahead.

“So I take it that you both have settled your differences, hmm?” Boma asked in a rhetorical manner, sounding impressed. “That's very good to know. Who apologized first, though?”

“None of us did.” I replied, facing him. “We just got back together like true friends are supposed to. We are quite the inseparable duo.”

Something about Boma was that, no matter how stressed he looked or how rough he appeared to be sometimes, be it in rags or even without any clothes on him, he'd still maintain that classic cool look of his. Even with the sweat and stains on his jersey, he still looked very attractive. I must have soared too deep in my reverie because he brought me back to reality with a question.

“You stare too much. Is anything wrong with me?”

“No.” I covered up quickly, cleverly taking my eyes off his body. He was like a deity in human form. I almost couldn't help staring at his fascinating features from time to time.

“Why don't you stop by at my place for a shower?” I added sweetly, tickling his smooth palm with my pinky finger. “Please say yes!”

He gave me a sad look at once. “I would've loved to, but I can't. I have something to settle with these guys at home. Maybe I would drop by later.”

“You promise?”

“I said maybe I will. I'm not sure yet.”

“I don't want that.” I protested. “I truly want you to come. Promise me you will?”

“Fine. I promise.”

Soon, we all arrived at the parking lot and discovered a big problem: the car couldn't contain all of us. It was a six-seater vehicle, which meant that two people had to be excluded. Simon and Oluchi volunteered to take a taxi in order to make space for the rest of us.

Dusk was fast approaching by the time we got home. Mimi and I actually dropped at a junction in our area where we walked from till we got home. I felt tired and hungry like Mimi, but nobody wanted to do the cooking between us.

“Won't you go and cook?” She said to me, rubbing her tummy hungrily.

“But it's your turn today!” I protested.

“How is it my turn?” She asked almost immediately, shooting me a direct glare in the eye. “You burnt our food yesterday, yet you're still here claiming rights?”

Mimi liked to argue a lot. In order to avoid another quarrel between us, I suggested that we should both cook together and she agreed. I peeled the yam and she sliced it, then we proceeded to mixing and grinding the ingredients.

While adding the sauce into the pot, Mimi's phone rang from the room and she left the kitchen to pick it up. She returned shortly and said that the caller wanted to speak with me.

Confused, I collected the phone from her hand and said:


“Hello! Is this Fifi?”

“You're right. It's me. Who am I speaking with?”

“Hope it was delivered to you?” The caller asked.

“Delivered to who? Who am I speaking with?”

“Hope it was delivered to you?” The caller repeated.

“I don't get you. Who am I...”

“It's Big Tiny,” he cut me off with a mild grunt. “I came with Lady Tee yesterday and we delivered a package to an elderly man. I hope you got it?”

“You mean the nylon?” I queried.

“Yes, the nylon bag. Did you see it?”

“See what? You are confusing me.”

“Did you see what was in the nylon?” He clarified.

“Well, I didn't check it properly. I only peeped into it and I saw some items of clothing, that's all. There was nothing else inside.”

“You didn't check well then. Check very well and I'll call you later to confirm,” he said and hung up immediately. I was confused.

“Who was that?” Mimi asked, taking the phone from me.

“Um. Remember that lady I told you about? The one I met at the restaurant last week?” I asked.

Mimi nodded affirmatively. “Yeah. I do. What’s up?”

“They came here yesterday,” I continued, “and they dropped something with the landlord.”

“What was it?” Mimi asked curiously.

“I don't know. I haven't checked it yet.”

“So what are you waiting for?”

We went back to the room and took the nylon from the top of my wardrobe where I had flung it the previous day. Mimi said a quick prayer on the nylon and did the sign of the cross three times before we loosened the knot and opened it widely. The moment we spilled the content of the nylon, the first things that fell out of it were dozens of T-shirts with the APC logo on them, followed by a stamped envelope and another smaller nylon that fell on the table. We opened the nylon and saw a pack that contained the latest iPhone. With our mouths agape, Mimi and I exchanged horrified glances.

“Fifi, are you seeing what I am seeing?!” Mimi's eyes bulged and her voice boomed with excitement. I didn't know whether to reply her, keep mute or just start dancing with immeasurable joy.

“What's in that envelope in your hand?” She asked, snatching it from me with force. Before I could even blink an eye, she had already tore it open.

Jesus Christ!” She screamed at once and the envelope fell off from her hands to the floor, leaving me extremely horrified as to what was inside!

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