Well that was weird. what happens next?

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It was the day before school started, and everyone was back in New York. The car trip home was long and quiet. 

Alex was over at Nicky’s house. The two of them figured they would spend some time together, as they felt out of each others lives.

“So, you going to see Lorna again?”

“Well, I hope so, but apparently she need’s to spend most of her time with Christopher…”

“Oh right, the boyfriend.” 


“Hey so how’s it going with Piper?”

“After I tried to fix it, thing’s seemed pretty good… That is, until I found her with Larry on New Years Eve.” 

“Shit seriously? Man I am so out of the loop… Wait, they weren’t doing anything, were they?”

“Uh no, although it sort of seemed like there could have been something going on.”

“Did you ever ask her what happened that night you two had that fight?”

“I trust her, so no, I didn’t.”

“Sure, but from what I heard shit went down… But then again you really cant trust what you hear from Sarah.” 

“Fuck. How can Piper even still be friends with those jerks? I mean, they’ve been awful to me ever since I first got to the fucking school…”

“Sometimes it takes a while to see how bad people are. She’ll see it at some point.”

“God I hope so.” 

The two of them spent the rest of the night talking about what had happened. They laughed at all the stupid things that had happened, but the thought of Larry and Piper never left her mind. 

“Hey remember that guy Eric?” Nicky asked. 

“Sort of yeah, why?”

“Well apparently him and Kathryn use to date.” 

“Seriously? Man that guy must have low standards… And I really started to like him too.” 

“I think the weirdest part about that is the fact that he looks like he’s 25.” 

“Well... Wait. How old is her even?” 


The first day of school was slow. Everyone was tired, and slightly confused about the date. Piper hadn’t spoken to Kathryn or Sarah about their argument with Alex, and she didn’t plan on talking to them right away. 

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