baby I'm not the hugging type

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Alex was never one who wanted to be vulnerable. She didn't want to look it. She didn't want to act it. She didn't want to be it. She had grown use to acting like someone who didn't care about what other people think. 

Alex had gotten use to being treated so horribly that she knew she couldn't be vulnerable. She got so use to being judged that she got use to peoples judgement, and stopped caring. But even after years of getting use to it, she was still a very vulnerable person. 

Alex was someone who was tough, and could hold her own. She didn't take anyone's bullshit.  This is who people see. But that isn't just who she is. She is also a very loving, and kind person.

She had such an image that she never thought that anyone would ever bother to see if there was anything more to her. 

Piper had been the only one who had ever bothered to get to know Alex. It was unusual for Alex to even let anyone close to her. All of this was very unusual. But not only had she started to let Piper in, she had let herself be at her most vulnerable around her. She had been willing to go to sleep knowing that beside her was someone she barley knew. 

Piper had fallen asleep leaning on Alex's shoulder, but by morning Alex's head was on Pipers chest. Pipers arm was around Alex, her head leaning close to the brunettes. The two of them were both asleep when Alex’s mother came home from work. 

Nicky had woken up when she came in. 

“Oh shit I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Diane said as she closed the door. It was about 8:30 in the morning. 

“Its fine. The light was starting to bug me anyway.” Nicky said as she sat up. “You can open the blinds if you would like.”

“Maybe in a bit. I’m fucking starving though. I gotta eat.” She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pulled out a few eggs. “What are you doing sleeping on the fuckin’ couch anyway?” 

“Right, a friend from Alex’s school came over last night. There were limited sleeping options so, she’s in Alex’s room.”  Nicky got up and walked into the kitchen. She got out a glass, and filled it with water. “You know, I don’t know why I never slept on the couch before anyway.” 

“It’s because I always get in so early in the morning.”

“Ah right.”

The two of them spoke for a while. Diane had made them both eggs. The two of them had gotten to know each other over the years. Nicky spent a lot of time over there even though her own house would be considered a much nicer house. Nicky didn’t find her own house home-y enough, but she found Alex’s apartment extremely home-y. 

“Alright, I think i’m going to head home but uh, i’ll probably see you later today.”

“I’m sure I will.” 

Nicky got up and started to head over to the door when she realized she forgot her phone in Alex’s room. She also couldn’t find her keys, and assumed they were there too. 

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