Unexpected phone calls.

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A whole week went by. Piper went to school, and then straight home. She hated how her alarm system could also record when people came in and out of the house. It was smart, but not great for staying out later then she wanted.

It was Saturday, the first day she would be able to go out. Her parents still didn't want her to see Alex, but she didn't care. Most of the time she would lie and say she was with Polly anyway.

Piper was on her way to meet Alex at her work when her phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey, Piper?"


"Hi, it's Julie Goodman, Grace and Tyler's mother. I was wondering if you were available to come over and look after them tonight? I know it's last minute, but our other sitter just called and is out sick."

"Uhm, yeah i'm available. What time do you need me to be over?"

"5:30. My husband and I have to be out the door at 5:45 at the latest."

"Alright, i'll be there on time then."

"Great, thank you so much. I'll see you later, bye."

"Bye." Piper hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Alex asked as she walked out of the store and over to Piper.

"It was uh, the woman I sometimes baby sit for. She needed someone last minute to look after the kids."

"So our plan's are going to be cut short?" Alex arched an eyebrow.


"Well then I guess we better make our time count. " she smirked and kissed Piper.

"I've got... One hour."

The two of then made their way back to Alex's apartment. It took longer then they would have liked to get there, but they still had quite a bit of time before Piper had to be at the Goodman's.

"You defiantly made that hour count." Piper said as she lazily kissed Alex.

"At least this time we don't have to scramble to find clothes." Alex replied.

Piper let out a small laugh at the memory of Alex stumbling around not being able to see much. "It made it more memorable though." She added.

"Seriously? That's what's memorable?" Alex scoffed.

Piper just shook her head and pressed her lips onto Alex's, running her hands through her black hair. She then moved one hand down to Alex's breast for a short while before moving her hand down towards her centre. She started to rub her clit, making Alex let out a small moan.

"Fuck you are already getting better at this." Alex says this in a way that make's Piper even more determined to show Alex just how good she could feel.

She slips her hand inside Alex. Piper then pulls away from the hot, messy, kissing and makes her way down to suck Alex's hard nipples. "Fuck, Piper."

She stop's sucking, and kisses a path all the way down the Alex's centre, where she started to suck on her clit while moving her fingers in and out of her. Piper hit Alex's g-spot, making Alex call out her name.

Alex's hips thrusted forward, giving her more pleasure. She was gripping at the bedsheets, wanting this feeling to never stop, even though she knew she was close.

Piper felt Alex tighten around her and before she knew it, Alex had hit her climax. Alex tasted more amazing this time then pervious times. It was sort of an unfamiliar taste, but it was something Piper loved. She loved how Alex tasted.

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