date night

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“That was such a boring class. Oh my god. I can’t believe that was only an hour. It felt like five.” Sarah groaned as the leaned on to Piper. “So are you getting nervous?”

“Uhm, you know I actually managed to take my mind off of it. But now that you mention it… I’m nervous.” Piper replied. 

They got to their lockers. Piper started to put away some of her binders. She noticed Alex walking her way. She smiled at her and waved. Piper was about to walk up to her when she felt a tap on her shoulder. 

“Hey Piper.” 

She turned around to see Todd standing there with Mark. 

“Hey Todd.” She smiled. Piper looked over at Alex who had clearly changed the direction of where she was going. Her smile faded a bit as she saw her walk away. 

Sarah leaned over to Piper “Please tell me you were not just waving to her. I swear if she comes near us-“  

Piper cut her off. “You know Sarah, I was just waving at her. Alex is a nice person, and if I want to be friends with her, then I will be.”

“Whoa geez. Okay fine. Fine. I just wouldn’t get involved with someone like her, so be careful. Okay?”

Piper nodded slightly. 

“Alex? As in the new girl?” Todd asked. Piper nodded her head again. 

“Dammnn she is hot.” Mark said as he looked to see if she was around. 

Todd hit Mark on the arm, getting him to shut up. 

“So we will see you tonight. I’ll pick you up at 6:30. If you could both be at Pipers place, that’d be awesome.”  Mark said. 

“Yeah for sure!” Sarah replied. 

The two then turned around and walked away. 

Sarah started to giggle. Piper closed her locker and then two started to walk towards the exit. Piper was getting really excited about her date, although she wished she could talk to Alex about it. Speaking of Alex, there she was. 

Alex was starting to walk down the street. Piper told Sarah to wait where she was, or find Kathryn or Amy or someone. 

“Alex!” Piper yelled as she caught up to her. 

“Hey.” She said as she stopped and turned around. 

“I have to get going, so i’ll make this quick. But uh… Can I have your number?” 

“Uh, yeah sure.” Alex got a pen out of her bag, rolled up the sleeve of Pipers hoodie and wrote down her number.

The touch of Alex’s hand on her skin made her feel good. She liked the feeling of Alex touching her, even if it was just for a few seconds. 

“You’re going on a date with that Todd guy tonight, right?” Alex asked as she put the pen away. 

“Yeah I am. Why?” Piper questioned. 

“I was just wondering…” She paused. “Look, I still don’t know you very well, but I would be careful with him. I sit beside him in one of my classes. He’s nice but… I would just watch out.”

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