Halloween part 1.

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"Shit Vause..." Nicky paused for a moment, taking in all that Alex had just told her, "you thinking about it?"

"Actually, yeah."

"Well... I won't tell you to not do it, because honestly you see like you'd be fucking brilliant at at, but just think it through. It's highly illegal shit."

"It's not the illegal part that's putting me off it honestly. I wouldn't get caught."

"That sure about it, huh?"

"Okay there's a chance, but I'll be pretty fucking careful about it."

"Sounds like you've already made up your decision on taking that job."




"So how was your weekend?"

"It was fine. Hung out with Alex... You know, the usual. You?"

"Swamped with work, but managed to find George for a little... Stress relief."

"George? Is this the guy who replaced Pete?" 

"He didn't replace Pete... I just got tired of having to be around Larry..."

"What a friend you are. Switching guys to fuck so you don't have to be around my ex."

Polly hit Piper on the arm playfully, before starting to laugh. "I'm such a great friend."

It was silent for a while. The two of them were at Polly's house outside on her deck drinking hot cocoa. They both had a lot of work, but they figured they'd do it later and just talk for the moment. 

"Hey" Polly started to say, "I was thinking about applying to UCLA."


"Yeah, I want to get away from here, and although it's not my top school, it'll be a change."

"Northampton would be a change."

"Pipe, you know I love you, and you know how much I'd love to have the college experience with you... I didn't have anything else to say. Northampton with you sounds pretty good."

"You are such a fucking weirdo." Piper laughed as she stood up and walked inside. 

Alex- hey, come outside of your class.

Piper- I’ve ditched too many classes.

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