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Christmas eve.

“Okay I haven’t seen you in about a week, but I swear you grew.” Alex said. 

“Well hey to you too.” Piper kissed Alex softly on the cheek. 

“You two are so cute!” Polly stepped into the apartment, and closed the door. 

“Hi Polly.” Alex walked back over to the couch where she was reading, and listening to music. 

“So uh, is it just us here tonight?” Polly asked. 

“Nicky is coming over too. She said her and Piper had picked a really good movie to watch tonight.” Alex answered.

“Oh we did. It’s super christmas-y.” Piper sat down on the couch beside Alex. 

“I look forward to it.” 

“Do you have any other music?” Polly asked as she rooted through Alex’s music. “It’s all weird rock stuff.”

“Excuse me?” Alex said as she stood up. 

“Hey maybe we should turn it off.” Piper suggested. 

“Yeah fine.” Alex turned off the speakers and shot Polly a glare.

Piper and Polly spoke while they waited for Nicky. Alex sat there and listened to their conversation and occasionally added in a word or too.

“Sorry I’m late.” Nicky said as she walked through the door. 

“Wait, was the door not locked?” Alex asked.

“Apparently not, but I know you don’t mind me barging in like this.” Nicky took off her shoes and coat as well as her backpack, and put them with the others.“Here catch.” She threw over a dvd case over to Alex. 

“Black Christmas?” Alex questioned. 

“What?” Nicky said as she sat down on the couch beside Alex. Piper and Polly were both on the floor. “It has the word christmas in the title… Seemed appropriate.”

“Right okay. Pipes you sure your okay to watch this?”

“I should be fine. Besides, I’ve got you here to protect me.” Piper looked behind to Alex and smiled. 

Polly took the movie and put the dvd in the player. 

Alex’s mother was not able to afford a new Tv or cable, so whenever they wanted to watch something at her place, it would either have to be a dvd or one of the few channels they got. It was a miracle when they found a dvd player that actually worked with the Tv. 

“Wait don’t press play yet.” Piper hopped up and went into the kitchen. “we need popcorn.” She put a bag in the microwave and waited as it popped. She took the first bag out, and then put in a second. 

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