Just admit it already

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 "Piper dinner!" 

Piper sighed as she sat up from her desk. She was happy that she had an excuse to not do her homework, but she really had to do it. 

She walked downstairs to the dining room. Her father was sitting at one end of the table. Cal walked into the room holding a fairly big chicken.

"Mmm this smells good." Piper said as she sat down at the table. 

"Doesn't it? I helped mom with the food." Cal said sitting down. 

Just then Pipers mother walked in holding a bowl of mashed potatoes. 

She sat down, and everyone served themselves. When each person had a full plate of food, they started to eat. 

"So Piper, how come you were home so late?" Her mother asked. 

"I went to a movie and then I went over to Alex's."

"Oh." Piper could tell that her mother didn't approve of Piper spending so much time with Alex. "Well you know, since Polly is here, I'm sure you two could spend a lot more time together."

"Yeah we have. She went to the movie with us."

"What did you see?" She asked. 

"Uh." Piper was hesitant to answer. She new she was able to see most movies, she just wasn't sure if her mother would approve of her going to see a movie with about to women falling in love. "Just some older movie.. I don't remember what it was called."

There was a long silence. All you could hear was the sound of cutlery hitting the plate as they all ate. 

"How was school today's?" Their father asked.

"School was good. We built some kind of mechanism with pulleys and stuff in science."

"That sounds fun. Maybe you will grow up to be some sort of mechanic or something." Their mother said. 

"And how about you Piper?"

"It's was good. Polly and I have a few classes together. So yeah, it was good." One thing Piper noticed was that neither of her parents would ever asked how each other's day was. They never really spoke to one another if it didn't have to do with us. They avoided as much conflict as they could. 

Dinner finished and Piper and Cal cleaned up. 

"So how did things go with Alex?" Cal asked. 

"Oh you know, we're just friends."

"Really? Just friends? I thought you were going to go confess your undying love to her."

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