A new grade.

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Hi! Alright so a few things here; First off, school has started, which means updates may be a little slower, but I will still be continuing the story. I'll most likely start posting once a week.

Second; There is a huge time gap between now and the previous chapter, and after reading all your reviews, i'm sure these next few chapters will be something you will like. (Hopefully) (Yes that means less Larry.)

Ok anyways... Here is chapter 21!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Grade 11 was a very long, and very weird year for both Alex and Piper. The two of managed to avoid each other as much as possible to the point where they seemed like strangers in the hall. 

Polly, Pete, Piper, and Larry were a group of best friends. They were always spending time together, along with a few other friends. Piper was doing really well in school. She only had one class with Alex this year, but it wasn’t like it mattered because she hardly ever showed up to class. 

Somehow Alex managed to keep up her grade. No one knew exactly how she did, but she did. There were times when Piper and Alex would actually look at each other, but never when the other was looking. 

Alex was hanging out with completely different people. She spent most of her summer being a complete stoner with Nicky and occasionally Lorna. And also working on set. She found it quite enjoyable giving people orders on what to do, and making sure shit is done right. 

During the school year Alex hung out with the tech kids, and some drama kids. They really did spend most of their time getting high in the light bubble in the auditorium. She hooked up with a few girls, but there was never anything serious.

An entire year passed, and neither of them said more then one word to each other. 

Piper and Larry dated through out the summer after grade 11 and into the school year. It was what Piper thought was a strong relationship. She lost her virginity just before the start of school. There were time’s when she was with Alex that she thought it would be with her, but in the end it wasn’t, and Piper didn’t think twice about it. 

Alex was dreading the start of grade 12. She just barely passed grade 11. In fact, for the first time ever her mother actually had to yell at her to step up her game. Nothing got passed Diane Vause, and she told Alex “I don’t care how much pot you fucking smoke, and it’s your decision to do whatever fucking drugs you do, but you better get your act together. No more fucking around.” Alex wasn’t one to ignore her mother, and in fact, she listened. 

With one week left of the summer, Alex decided to actually change some things in her life. She was working at a small record store over the summer, and she decided that she could work part-time during the school year. They loved her at the store. She knew her music, and she knew how to talk to people, so they had no problem keeping her on part-time. 

And with having that job and actually enjoying it, she minimized her cigarette and pot smoking. She stopped using hard drugs, which wasn’t hard to do as she never got into them much. 

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