popcorn and horror night

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Halloween night.

"Okay how much fucking popcorn do we nee Vause? There's only two of us." Nicky said as she watched Alex take microwave popcorn out of her bag.

"Uh- Actually there's going to be three of us… I invited Piper. Is that cool?"

"Oh yeah. Yeah for sure."

The door bell rang shortly after. Nicky answered the door. "Hey Piper. You found your way here."

"Uhm yeah. Hi. I hope you don't mind me coming, Alex invited me and i thought-"

"It's no problem. Come on in." Nicky opened the door wider, and singled for Piper to come in.

Nicky pointed towards various rooms in the house before leading Piper downstairs into the basement. "Alex will be down in a second. She's getting the popcorn ready." She flopped down on the couch in front of the big TV.

Piper stood beside the couch awkwardly. She didn't really know what to do. It was one of those 'i'm new in your house and I don't know what to do' moments.

"I truly hope you do not intend to spend the new few hours standing like that." Nicky said.

"Right uhm. Should I just- here." She pointed to the arm of the couch beside her.

"Sit your ass down on the couch Piper. It's not going to hurt." Alex said as she walked into the room, holding two big bowls of popcorn. She walked past Piper, putting the two bowls on the table in front of the couch, and then sat down beside Nicky.

Piper stayed where she was.

Nicky turned on the TV. She had already loaded the first movie. "Okay so this year I thought we would do a whole 'original vs remake' and I thought The Grudge would be a perfect movie."

"You ever seen it Pipes?" Alex asked.

"I haven't no. I don't really watch a lot of horror movies. I was never really allowed too."

The movie screen loaded. Nicky hit the light beside her, turning it off. Alex grabbed Piper by the wrist, pulling her onto the couch. Piper ended up half on the couch, half on Alex.

Alex put her arm around Piper, who settled on the couch and rested her head on Alex.

They started with the remake of The Grudge. Within the first five minute of the movie, the three of them got scared. Nicky hid her eyes behind a blanket, while Alex and Piper hid behind each other.

During the clam parts of the movie, they all relaxed and ate popcorn. It got to a calm part of the movie, and the three started talking.

"So what is your opinion on Sarah Michelle Gellar?" Nicky asked.

"I think she's hot." Alex replied.

"Seriously? I get how she looked good as Buffy, but I don't know. I never really saw it." Nicky said.

"Weirdo" Alex threw a piece of popcorn at Nicky. It hit her in the face.

Nicky picked up a handful of popcorn and threw it in Alex and Piper's direction. Alex laughed and threw more popcorn.

Piper wasn't paying attention to anything that was happening beside her. She was too busy paying attention to what was going on in the film. She found it very confusing.

"What about you Piper?" Nicky asked as she threw popcorn at her face.

"What?" Piper snapped out of her concentration.

"Sarah Michelle Gellar, Do you think she's hot?" Nicky asked again.

Alex looked over to Piper and smirked, curious to hear the answer.

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