Come with me.

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Piper and Polly were drinking a cup of coffee in the living room. They were talking about which schools they hoped to get into, and which schools they were currently doing their application for. Piper was very set on going to school at Smith college, and so was Polly. 

Both of them were fairly relieved at the thought of going to college and actually knowing people. They had both changed from when they knew each other when they were kids, and now it seems like a more logical thing to say they wanted to go to college together. They both knew each other well enough that it wouldn’t be awkward, but not well enough that it would be awkward if they drifted apart. 

“So, you and Pete still… good? I didn’t see you two together last night at all.”

“I decided to break it off. We’re still on great terms, and occasionally hook up, but it’s not serious.”

“Wait- When did that even happen?”

“Uhm, near the begging of school.”

“And you didn’t tell me?” Piper sat up, nearly spilling her drink. 

“Sorry, you were just so caught up in you little world with Alex… I didn’t bother telling you.” 

“Pol-“ Polly cut her off.

“It’s fine Pipe. Beside’s I had Larry to talk to. It’s cool.” 

“Okay now that is not much help.” 

“Sorry, it was when you two were still dating. Larry was pretty pissed about everything, but i kept his mind off of you and Alex.” 

“And what the hell does that mean?” Anger was forming in Piper’s tone. 

“It means I told him about all this Pete drama and how he was being an immature ass.” 

The anger went away, and left Piper feeling guilty about not being there for her friend. “You could have talked to me…” 

“I know, but I also didn’t want to interrupt you guys staring at each other when the other was looking away.” Polly paused for a second. “I didn’t want to interrupt you. I would’ve interrupted Alex.” 

“Very funny.” Piper replied sarcastically. She looked out the window to see Alex’s car parked outside. The car was actually her mothers, but sometimes Alex would take it while Diane was working. She never minded as long as she had a ride home. 

Alex was visible from the front window, standing outside the front door. She rang the door bell, and Piper hopped up off the couch and answered the door. 

“Hey!” Alex smiled. 

“Hey.” Piper smiled back. “I gotta go get my shit. Come in though.”

Alex entered into the house, away from the grey, damp, day. She stood in the front hall, looking around at Polly’s big house. She wasn’t use to being in giant houses, and although it wasn’t as big as Nicky’s house, it was pretty damn big.

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