What a busy night pt1 2

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"Now can you tell me what the fuck she was doing here Nicky?" Alex's tone was full of anger.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was her!"

"Of course you didn't. Fuck. It's not like she made your life a living hell."

Nicky looked down. She knew what Jessica had done to Alex. She knew how hard it was for Alex to even speak about what happened. "Alex I'm truly sorry. You can't really blame me…"

"What? I can't blame you? Did you just fucking say that? Of course you are to blame for almost fucking her."

"Well maybe I wouldn't have been in the same fucking bar as her if you hadn't ditched me for Piper!" Nicky yelled.

"Seriously? You're going to bring Piper into this? What, are you jealous or something?"

"No I'm not fucking jealous of you two, in fact I'm really fucking happy you found someone else who can deal with your fucking shit. I'm pissed off because you are completely ditching me for this girl, and why? I mean, what's with you guys anyway. You act like you're dating, but you only ever think of each other as friends. So maybe deal with your shit with her, and also remember you have other friends."

Alex was too angry to really take in what Nicky had said. Sure heard it, and thought about it for about two seconds, but she couldn't focus on it. "Fuck you."

"Well fuck you too. Now get the fuck out of my house." Nicky said as she pointed towards the door.

Alex was being kicked out of her best friends house, just like Jessica was only moments ago. She was being treated like her. She was being treated as if she was someone who was hated.

She turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

Nicky slammed the door. She slid down it onto the ground and put her hands over her face and cried. She cried and cried. This was the biggest fight that the two had ever had. Nicky knew she fucked up, but how could she have known it was Jessica Wedge?

"I should have fucking known!" Nicky yelled.

The worst part about this was that Nicky was all alone. She would be all alone for two weeks.

We've been friends almost our whole lives. We can't just end a friendship because of this, now can we?

All night Nicky cried. The same thought's crossing her mind. She had to make this right. She needed Alex.

"So Piper. What the hell was that?" Cal asked as the two of them sat in their basement. Piper watching Cal play his soccer game on the PS3.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing it's just that you and Alex seem pretty close…"

"It's nothing. We're just friends! I mean, sure she's gorgeous and sure she's gay, but i'm still straight. Right?" This was the first time that Piper had ever really thought to question her sexuality. I know I like boys, but is there a chance I like girls too? Or maybe it's just Alex who I like. Wait- Who said anything about me liking Alex? Oh shut up Piper. Her thought's were starting to race.

"Look Piper, I don't want to be the one to tell you how to feel, but it seems pretty clear that she like's you."

"It is?" A smile crossed her face.

"It was to me. Mom and dad on the other hand… they seemed more focused on disliking Alex."

"You are so young. How are you this smart?" Piper said as she rustled his hair.

"I'm not that young. I'm two years younger than you!."

The two of them sat there for a while. Cal focusing on his game, and Piper stuck in her thoughts.

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