29. secrets.

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I pace back and forth through the hospital floor. A thousand thoughts running through my head, distant tears ready to drop from the corner of my eyes.

After Austin called Giovanni, we rushed over to the hospital. As soon as we got here he was in surgery. Just waiting this long is making me anxious.

"Are you all Ace Douglas, family?" Our heads turn to look at the doctor. He pulled off his surgical cap, walking towards us.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned him strongly.

"We had some minor issues but we were able to fix them." He started, looking up from his chart before continuing.

"The surgery went well, he had a gunshot wound to the abdomen. Luckily it missed an artery he also had a blunt force to his head, so he might have a slight concussion. But other than that he should be walking out of here in a couple of days."

We sighed at the news, I couldn't help to still feel worried. "Can we see him?" I asked, twisting my fingers around.

"Of course, right this way."

I followed the doctor to Ace's room. I wanted to see him first before the others walk in. The security guards parting ways as we came on view, allowing me to walk in first.

Ace laid on the bed, wide awake. Isn't he supposed to be asleep or I don't know acting like he just got shot?

"You look like shit." I teased, making him roll his eyes.

"I feel like shit." He grumbled, grabbing the remote to pull his bed up.

"Where's dad?" He asked. "He isn't here yet, it's just me and Austin and Giovanni and a shit load of security guards," I tell him, moving towards the bed.

At the exact moment, Austin walked in with my father and Harper and Giovanni. "Dam, you look like shit," Austin repeated the same words I spoke.

Giovanni sat near me grabbing my hand softly. Just the small gesture made my heart flutter.

"Austin, language." My father warned him, walking towards Ace's bed.

"I think we can use a little foul language at this time, don't you think papa," I responded, looking up through my lashes.

My fathers sighed looking over at Ace, running his hands through his salt and pepper hair. You could see he was stressed out just from his eyes.

"I suppose so." My father muttered, he sat slowly in the chair near the bed. Having Harper place her hand on his shoulder.

I zone in and out of the conversation, what if that bullet didn't miss his artery. Ace is kinda like my father figure, when dad wasn't around and I would cry for him, Ace was there. Reading to me, teaching me another foreign language.

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