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At King's Hospital London

Dr Ashley: Dr Riddhima hey how are you?

R: Hey Dr Ashley I am fine what about you?

A: I am good. So Lets start the day. Its gona be hectic today as we have 3 new patients on board and the most important part that we have a meeting today with our new investors. Heard that the new investor is a bit arrogant and ruthless.

R: Oh! A hectic day on cards. Anyway lets start with it.

Dr Ashley was Riddhima's junior and a good friend. They starting working on the new patients. 

Work was Riddhima's medicine to forget all her bitter memories. So intentionally she used to devote more time to work to keep her mind equipped.

Time flew  away and  it was the time for meeting with the new investors.

At the meeting longue:

Head: Good evening doctors. So today we are here for a very imporatant meeting with our new investors. This new venture will improve the health infrastructure and make sure that each and every patient gets the best treatment. So Doctors Welcome our new investor Mr Vansh Raisinghania a sucessful business tycoon and An inspiration among youngsters.

Riddhima who was present in the meeting longue was shocked to the core. Hearing his name again after so many years just burst a whole lot of emotions within her. She mentally prayed that it should not be him.

R(in mind): No it should not be him. No No No ! it cant be him. I dont want to see him. No never.

Riddhima was hyperventilating. In the biting cold of London she was sweating profusely.Ashley noticed her.

Ashley: Dr Riddhima are you ok!! You are sweating. Are you fine? Here have this water.

R: Its nothing Ashley I am fine may be a bit tired so thats why. 

She took the water from Ashley and gulped it in one go.

The door of the room opened. Vansh along with Angre entered. He had a cold look on his face.  He directed his gaze towards the director and was walking towards him.

Here Riddhima had seen Vansh entering. Her worst dream came true. Destiny Brought them again face to face. He was the same the same eyes the same aura the same attitude but a bit more cold and arrogant. She was just hoping that Vansh will not be able to see her among the doctors.

Director: A very Good evening Mr Raisinghania we were desperately waiting for your arrival. We are really excited to work with you Its a pleasure to work with such a big name in the business.

Vansh gave his signature smirk and spoke:

V: Good evening Mr George . Its my pleasure to be here and working with such a big helthcare chain. I would just like to address the doctors and make them clear about my future goals.

Director: Sure Mr VR you can go ahead.

Vansh directed his gaze towards the team of doctors. Here Riddhima was very nervous thinking about all the possibilities of what might happen. She was literally shivering.

V: Good Evening Doctors Today I am here as a part of our new investing goals. So I have seen the performance of the various departments of hospital. While going through that I found out that some of the departments were top notch while some others were not upto the mark. So I would just like to  address that and make myself clear about what needs to be done.

Vansh was continuing his presentation on his future plans on the new healthcare regime suddenly he spotted a petite figure among the doctors. Due to the dim lights he wasnt able to see her face clearly.

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