Chapter XII: Need

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A week later...

Jungkook and I haven't talked a bunch since the night in my bedroom when he kissed me... We've spoken a bit in person, some over text, but not a lot. I'm scared. I'm scared to reply because I feel myself becoming more comfortable and open with him and I don't want that. Not after what he did, I don't want to feel good with him.

I swore to myself I wouldn't feel that way, and here I am, thinking my fuck buddy is adorable, cute, and handsome. I can't feel that way about Jungkook. So I distanced myself for a while, but now I'm scared to talk to him.

I haven't gone to anyone else, because I don't want to. I haven't even had sex with Jungkook but I feel so obligated to obey his dumb rule and stay away from other guys. But it's not just the obligation, it's like the other guys don't interest me anymore. I hate it because that's not who I am... I loved screwing around.

Now this feels exclusive with Jungkook and I don't know if I like that. I don't know if I like the fact that all my affection and physical attraction is being kept to one person. Because who's to stop anyone from thinking we're dating? Or a couple? And I don't want to date Jungkook. I can't handle that, nor do I want to deal with fixing that if people do start to talk.

So not talking for a few days should fix that, I think... at least for me.

But I'm sorely mistaken when I see him walking towards me at my locker. I try and act clueless and like I didn't even see him. I don't know if it worked... "Hey," he speaks softly. I turn to look at him, seeing him smile but drop it like something is bothering him. "Everything okay?" He asks me.

I nod. "Yea, why?" I turn my head back to grabbing my books, trying to make him believe me.

"You just seem off the past few days... I thought I'd ask."

I take a glance at him. "Is that part of your job description?" I ask, wondering why he likes to break all of the agreements we established frequently. He isn't supposed to ask about my personal self, or my whereabouts...and here we are.

"No, I can ask how you are, I care about you, but it's also just human decency, Y/n... Why do you think that way?" He asks a bit defensively.

"Because we agreed you wouldn't do that..." I reply straightforwardly back at him.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Like you follow everything you say... you've haven't followed a single rule yourself," he retorts, giving me a feeling that he's not too happy with me right now. It's understandable to an extent.

"This agreement was for me. I'm allowed to break the rules whenever I want to. Your rule was that I wouldn't talk to other guys and I haven't. There." I make a turn to walk away, but he catches up to me.

"Why are you acting this way? We've been fine this whole time until now... Why have you been avoiding me?" He asks the question I hoped he wouldn't ask. But of course, he reads my mind perfectly to know what I do and don't want asked.

I can't tell him it's because I'm scared I'm feeling things for him. Things I don't want feeling. So I'll lie. He doesn't have to know everything inside my head. There's a reason it's in my head and not out in the open. "Maybe you were mistaken. Maybe things aren't fine between us," I respond, trying to walk away to my car.

"That's not it," he says from behind me. He runs up to stand in front of me and stop my walking, and I look up at him. I grazes his fingers under my chin, making my heart beat faster. I hate that I'm reacting that way. "Why won't you tell me?" He speaks softly, eyes dancing over my face like there's something captivating to look at.

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