Goin' South

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Andrea's POV
I finished packing my bags and I was waiting for Jenni and Nicole to come pick me up because us three are road tripping together. We were all going to Miami because it's freezing on the East Coast. Alex is road tripping with Mike and Pauly.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a car honking from outside, I knew it was them. I grabbed my things and walked out of the door. They got out of the car and ran to hug me.

After they helped me get my stuff into the car, we got inside and headed off.

"We're going to Miami, bitch!" Snooki shouted. We all laughed.


We went to this bar in Savannah, Georgia to eat. There was barely anyone in there.

Nicole decided to order fried pickles, they looked disgusting.

"Ew! How can you eat that?!" I asked while laughing. She just laughed along with me.

Then, this guy came over this us with a tray of shots.

"How are you ladies doing this evening?" He asked.

"We're making a mess." Jenni replied.

"I was wondering if y'all would be interested in a couple of shots?" He offered.

"Oh, thank you." I said awkwardly.

"Do you mind if I have a seat?" He asked.

"Okay." Nicole replied with an annoyed look. He sat down next to her.

"So, what brings you girls down south?" He asked.

"I don't know. We're just kind of interested." Jenni says awkwardly.

This guy was really weird and he didn't know how to hit on a girl.

"Do you fist pump?" Nicole asked him.

"I've never fist pumped a day in my life." He says.

"Wanna start?" Jenni asked.

"What's in it for me if I do?" He asked.

"Show us what you got." Snook says.

"So, this is what I've got." He says.

He rolled his shoulders before fist pumping, well, trying to. He looked like he was having a seizure. We tried to hold back our laughter.

Eventually, he walked away. After we finished eating, we left the bar and continued on the road.


After a really long drive, the three of us finally made it to the house. It's now dark outside so, I'm pretty sure we're the last ones.

We walked into the house and the boys cheered. Everyone was there.

Even Angelina.

Just great.

I gave everyone a hug, except Angelina of course.

"Finally you guys are here." Alex says.

"Oh, shut up!" I said.

Then, Sammi came out and gave us a hug. We found out that we would be rooming with her.

"Sam, are you kidding me?" Nicole asked as we walked into the room.

"Whatever, right?" Sam says.

"I heard she's talking mad shit about me." Nicole said.

"Not just you. All of us." I said. I don't even get why Angelina would come here.

After talking for a little bit, we went into the kitchen and made a drink.

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