Free Snooki

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Andrea's POV
Jenni was calling Nicole's dad. I sat next to her on the beanbag chair.

"Hi, is this Snook's dad?" Jenni asked.

"Hi, Mr. Polizzi, it's Jwoww. Nicole just got arrested for public intoxication." Jenni told him. After talking to him, she hung up and called Tom.

"I apologize for not calling. They just arrested Nicole." Jenni said, getting emotional.

"For being drunk and an idiot." Jenni replied to him. I could hear Tom yelling through the phone, Jenni hung up.

"He's a dick. How are you still with him?" I asked her.

"I don't know, honestly. I knew that was gonna happen! That's why I didn't wanna fucking call him." Jenni replied. I stood up and went to sit on the couch. A few minutes later, the boys came home.

"What happened?" Vinny asked, noticing our mood.

"Nicole was bombed. They find her on the beach completely belligerent. We couldn't get her off the beach. Like, it was embarrassing." Deena explained.

"Where is she?" Pauly asked.

"At the jail. We have to go get her." Deena stated. Then the phone rang, Jenni went to go answer it.

"Go fuck yourself!" I heard Jenni shout. I'm assuming that was Tom.

"It's not funny anymore. She has a problem. She went to work in her dress from last night. And slippers." Vinny said. I went into the kitchen to get a snack. I heard Jenni on the phone yelling at Tom again.

"That's not a healthy relationship." I whispered to Alex. He nodded.

A few hours later, we were able to go pick up Nicole.

"Free Snooki!" Pauly shouted. We got into the car and headed off to the police department.


"We missed you." Deena said as we got into the car.

"I hope um, prison time didn't change you, girl." Pauly joked.

"Oh, I'm 'G' now. Don't fuck with me." Nicole said, making everyone laugh.

We got back to the house, and the girls and I went into our room.

"Why did I get arrested? I don't understand." Nicole asked.

"You were a public nuisance." Jenni told her.

"Why?" Nicole asked.

"Because you were rolling around in the sand, jumping in the water." I said.

"Was I screaming?"

"Yeah. And you were cursing at the police officers." I replied.

"Yeah, that'll do it." Nicole laughed Then she decided to call her dad. He told her he was disappointed in her.



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