Damage Is Done

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Andrea's POV

"Ready to go?" I asked Sam. She nodded and we walked out of the room.

"What's up?" Mike greeted from in the kitchen. Neither of us responded.

"Really?" Mike spoke. We ignored that and left the house.

"Do you know where this place is?" Sam asked as we started walking.

"Yeah, I went there with Alex." Her and I were going out to this diner for breakfast before she has to go to work.

I definitely feel like Sammi and I have gotten closer after we made up last summer.

"This is a nice place." Sam commented as we sat down.

"I know," I replied.

We ordered our food and drinks. We both got pancakes.

"I'm still annoyed about what Mike said last night." Sam stated.

"Me too. I literally wanted to punch him in the face." I said before taking a bite of my pancake.

"I don't get how he can say things like that and then wonder why Nicole doesn't want to be his friend." Sam wondered.

"That's Mike for you. He's always starting drama and then he plays the victim when he's called out on it." I stated. Sam nodded in agreement.

After that, we started talking about random things.

"We should have a double date one day. You and Pauly, me and Ron." Sam suggested I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, no thanks." I said before we bursted out laughing.

I love both Sam and Ron but that would be a fucking nightmare.


I was fixing my makeup in the bathroom when Sam walked in.

"Mike just said that he gave The Unit Jionni's number and told him what happened between him and Nicole." Sam whispered.

"Are you serious?!" I asked. She nodded. I groaned.

"He's such a schemer and I'm sick of it." I said in annoyance.


I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"I woke up to people talking shit about me today, Snooki and Jenni." Mike spoke, coming into the kitchen.

"Gee, I wonder why." I replied sarcastically.

"Now you're gonna talk shit too?" Mike asked obnoxiously.

"Honestly, you're not even worth conversating with." I said, walking past him.

"Oh, okay then." Without even having to look, I already knew that he had that stupid smirk on his face.


A few hours later, Nicole and Jenni got home from running their errands. Sam, Ron, and Deena are also home from work.

"We gotta tell you what the fuck just happened." Sam said as her and I walked into their room.

"Mike called The Unit to call Jionni and tell him everything that fucking happened between with you and Mike." Sam told her. Nicole's face dropped and she looked at me for confirmation, I nodded.

Nicole immediately got out of bed and headed out to the living room. We followed.

"Stop getting in my business, motherfucker!" Nicole said, going up to him. Mike stood up and ran away from her. Nicole chased him.

Shore Life||Jersey ShoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora