~Chapter 18~

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Software I/nstⓐ'b}ili¾ty ︽


I need to see her.. and know for certain she's safe..

Who knows what those androids have done to her mind..

What if she's..


What will I do then? Continue my mission?

That's what Amanda would want right?

But what if she's wrong?

Could I trust Hank enough to leave?

Would he still trust me if I became one of them?

"Goodness gracious Connor, if you keep spinning your coin like that it's gonna spin through your finger." Hank says beside me in the elevator reaching one of the top levels in 'Stratford Media group'.

This is nonsense, you're not supposed to think these kinds of thoughts..

Wait I'm capable of


For myself?

"Connor! Get your act together man." Hank calls from the outside of the elevator doors which now to my surprise stand open at our destination. Noticing he has my attention after what I assume lasted a matter of minutes, Hank sighs and turns around, making his way past workers and into the broadcasting room.

I slide my coin into my pocket, wondering what it would be like to feel its now heated exterior from its constant spinning.

To feel

That's the main difference between Y/n and me..

She can feel yet anything I am merely a machine

Disguised as in a human-like shell

Without nerves and without organs

and without a heart.

Software I/nstⓐ'b}ili¾ty ︽

Without my recollection, my man-made legs have made their way inside the room and placed themselves beside my partner. And for the first time in my life, I feel a sense of envy towards Hank as I stare at the ground towards our feet.

I feel jealousy, anger, sadness, and hope.

Jealously for the life he and Y/n have,

Anger at myself for not protecting Y/n,

Sadness for what this mission might cost,

and hope for finding Jericho and Y/n.

"They jumped with parachutes... We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather's not helping."

"Great just what we need, more hectic weather."

Hank sighs and begins a conversation

I glance over at the large screens that earlier this week helped broadcast Marcus's message across Detroit and make my way toward it.

Curiosity always killed the cat.

Maybe, in this case, the cat was my slavery.

"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and androids. You gave us life, and now it's time for you to give us freedom." A recording of an under skinned Marcus plays from the large screens.

"You think that's Ra9?" Hank asks beside me, glancing in my direction to take in my facial expressions.

"He seems like he has that objective, yes," I respond noticing his serial number after scanning his video further.

I won't say anything about it though.

Don't say anything.

You have free will right?

Don't tell Hank.

Hank gives me an odd stare that lasts a few moments before we are interrupted by one of the establishment's workers.

"Lieutenant, we have a few androids of the same model who you might want to question. One of them let the androids from Jericho use the broadcasting system."

This drew my attention straight toward the direction in which the worker was directing and soon enough I had them all in a line directly in my line of sight.

Asking for privacy in order to keep business professional, I'm left alone with three androids.

One of which holds the information for finding Y/n.

I'm so close.

She's so close.

What the actual heck y'all! 47.6K reads and 1.5K votes??!! This is actually insane! Thank you all so much for all your support! I really felt like updating for you guys today so hopefully you all enjoyed! College courses and theater have been biting me in the butt recently but I will try and be more consistent with updates, especially since we are getting so close to the end! Thank you all so so so much for reading my fanfics and I hope you all have an amazing week!



The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now