Chapter 14

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Hey guys!! I wanted to update early on in winter break because I most likely won't be able to post any other time this break! I really need to stay true to my word about posting every weekend and I'm sorry I haven't been keeping my word these past months!! Nonetheless, you all have accepted me the way I have come and I am extremely grateful to every single one of you!! I love you all so much and I appreciate all your patience!! Know you are all loved!!!

Love, Author


It's quite crazy to think that just a while ago I had been nothing more than a committed supporter and now I'm so much more. I feel like a whole new person in some ways. 

Smiling, I felt my eyes drift toward the sunset before me. It really is different away from the city, I found myself thinking as a new shade of orange began to emerge from behind the sun. I remembered the sunsets back in the busy streets and found myself beginning to Juxtapose the wide differences between here and then. In the city, there were small shops that sold everything you could ever imagine, and the flowers sold in the flower shops could make your eyes water. Here, there are none of these things. As I began to ponder over all of my favorite things, a pair of handsome brown circles appeared in front of my vision. They had a pointy feeling to them that I couldn't pinpoint and it scared me to think of the matter. I reregistered myself and sighed recognizing the look remembering how much I had missed seeing his face.


Why was I thinking of him now? I suppose It must in some ways be the guilt I still feel for leaving both him and Hank without a word. It hurt knowing I must have worried them. Suddenly I felt I wanted to run away again, back to what I had run away from in the first place. I didn't exactly fit in at all here anyway. I sighed remembering all that had taken place these past few days it seemed. We had finally become a strike, and I was beginning to worry that we would soon be taken down. The public doesn't accept us and because of that, we are In even more danger than I had first expected. Hopefully, the public will change their views without violence but expecting them to be gentle is a dream that will likely not come true.

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