~Chapter 20~

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Just want to give you a heads-up that the series of events compared to the game will be a bit different going forward. <3 

Love, Author


After about a week or two of laying low, Markus and the rest of Jericho decided it was about time for our next riot event; breaking into Cyberlife stores. 

Once Markus gave me all the details after our weekly Jericho meeting, I knew this would be the right message to send to the public. 

The people were just beginning to open up to our ideas and view thanks to Markus's broadcast from the tower and our peaceful protests had begun to circle the thoughts of Detroit with the possibility of freedom in Jericho's grasp. We just needed to continue and persist.

Markus wasn't sure If I should come to this riot in particular and suggested I stay at Jericho so I could watch over the android children and injured androids with Lucy. I didn't think it was my place to argue in going and thought he had a point in hoping I would assist the other androids.

I was worried for them to say the least and couldn't stop overthinking about possible scenarios and outcomes in my mind as I assisted Lucy in caring for the others. 

What if they anticipate their arrival and take them down before they can get out?

What if the public doesn't take this as a peaceful protest?

 What if Markus gets killed?

I shook my head at the thought and focused my attention on caring for Lloyd. He had arrived at Jericho along with a group of ten last week and got attacked on his journey here. He's such a sweet kid and has been asking me to share stories about my life outside of Jericho during nights I can't sleep to distract me. Those nights I'm often thinking of dad and Connor and if my absence has affected them as much as their absence has been affecting me.

I missed them so much. The more time I spend away from home, the more I miss it. The main reason I was disappointed I couldn't go with Markus on today's mission was that I would be alone with my thoughts. I needed a distraction from my wandering mind. 

I especially missed my little chats with Connor when he would let me go on and on about my favorite memories, stories, and interests and he would just soak up the information with a smile. Connor was the best listener I knew aside from Markus and Lloyd, but the void Connor left in me was growing each day. The more I try to ignore his brown eyes, the more I yearn to see him again. To see his smile light up while we talk for hours. I remember his reaction when I accidentally touched his hand from passionately rambling about my favorite author. His hand had twitched at first but then took my hand in his. We sat there for a few minutes, both shocked by how natural the exchange was between us.

The look on his face was one of pure bliss.

I couldn't get him out of my head these days.

And Hank. Dad. 

I missed his weekly hugs after getting home from work and watching him flop tiredly onto my couch. Connor would more often than not be trailing behind him; making sure to close and lock the door before smiling with a nod my way. Some nights Hank and Connor would come by with a movie or board game to enjoy together and we would stay up for hours on end laughing and basking in each other's company. Hank had become the father I had always dreamed of and At this moment I wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms.

Those days... those days were what I craved the most. 

I almost felt selfish for wanting such things when the reason I was here at Jericho was to fight for such a pivotal change... one that could change the fate of history for androids forever. It could change Connor's life as well. I should be completely content to be here but... I'm not.

"Y/n?" Lloyd asks with a worried expression next to me. 

My train of thought is broken as I realize I had been in the middle of pouring blue blood into his left arm. 

"Lloyd! I'm so sorry!" I ramble; scrambling to finish my work on his arm with a flustered expression on my face. 

"I don't know what came over me I was so-" 

"-lost in thought. It's ok Y/n. Really." He interjected; laughing a bit.

I sighed; reminding myself that Lloyd only needed the blue blood for his arm and wasn't in serious condition. My wandering train of thought didn't jeopardize Lloyd's safety.

Lloyd noticed my face drop; LED turning yellow; and moved so he could give me a hug, making sure to let me know in his own way that I was going to be ok. 

I didn't have the words and just sat in his arms; gracious for his hug. Lloyd wasn't much of a talker and preferred to show his affection through touch. He was one of few androids here like that and I couldn't be more grateful for it at this moment. 


So much had happened over the span of two weeks...

Alice and I got tricked by a scientist, befriended an android giant named Luther, rode a carousel in the snow, and escaped the cops in a neighborhood. 

But most importantly... we discovered the location of Jericho.


It wouldn't be long before Alice was safe

With Alice on Luther's back, we quickly made our way into the large building. Alice was absolutely freezing and wouldn't fare well in such cold weather. She needed warmth and fast.

Upon entering, a young woman with E/c eyes, H/c hair, and S/c skin rushed up to us; likely noticing Alice's frigid form. 

"There's a fire going on the far side of the building. Follow me." She said; rushing toward the backside of the structure. The woman brought over a few boxes and placed them around the makeshift fire. Luther quickly took Alice off his back; placing her on the box closest to the fire as she began rubbing her hands together above it. 

"I hope this is alright for you all. We are hopefully getting more supplies later today after Markus and the crew are back from the Cyberlife stores but we have a good amount of supplies if you need anything. Please don't hesitate to ask. And Welcome to Jericho." She said with a big smile gracing her delicate features. 

As she spoke, I couldn't help but notice she wasn't of a specific model but instead human. 

"Thank you so much for your kindness. It's a breath of fresh air after everything that's crossed our paths these last few days. My name is Luther. And this is Kara and little Alice." Luther stated while gesturing to me and Alice with a smile on his face.

The young lady's smile stretches into one of the widest I've ever seen. She was a kind being by nature it seemed. 

"It's lovely to meet you three. My name is Y/n."


That was such a familiar name...

That detective told me about you

The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now