Chapter 8

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        Hey guys! I'm back! I'm sorry for the excessive amount of time I've been gone and I sincerely apologize! It's hard to explain but a lot of things have been going on with my new life my family has started in a new place so I haven't had time to update you guys. I'm sorry! Don't worry I still love you guys! Anyway here's the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! I love y'all guys!

Love, Author


          These past few weeks have gone by quite smoothly and I wouldn't have wanted them to turn out any other way.

          A few days ago I invited Markus and Carl over for lunch so that we could catch up after all these years and I was even able to learn more about Markus too. 

Surprisingly enough they weren't the only people I invited over this week. 

        I asked my dad, Hank, and Connor, if they would like to have dinner a few days later and we ended up having a long night filled with nothing but jokes and laughter which none of us minded. My relationship with Hank as my father has grown over that night and I'm very thankful for inviting them sooner rather than later. 

            I turned my attention back to the dishes that I was washing and noticed a thick black stain on one of the copper Skillets near the back of the sink. I put it in my hands and started stubbing as hard as I could with the harder side of the sponge.

       Only when it was beginning to come off did I hear my phone ring from the other side of the room. I had been guessing it had been ringing for a while because when I finally dried my hands and got over to it was close to ending. I pressed the answer button and held it in my still half-wet hands as I said "hello?" 

         I hadn't had enough time to check who was calling me because of how late it took me to understand my phone had been ringing. A deep voice came into my ears and as soon as I heard it I could tell right away. 

           "Hey, I really need to talk to you. It's urgent. Can you meet me at the dump on the other side of town?" I had given Markus my phone number and he entered it into his number files in case he or Carl needed anything. I had insisted even though Markus told me there was no need to tell me that if Carl needed anything, he would just go get it for him. But being the person I was I told him that if he was only looking after Carl he would need someone looking after him. So here we are having a conversation about why he's at the dump.

        "Why the dump of all places? I'm really starting to question your ideas of places to meet. Is this some kind of scavenger hunt?" I said in a joking matter dismissing the urgency in his voice. 

      "No, I assure you this isn't what you think. Please just meet me here as soon as you can. Please." The way he said the last sentence made me immediately regret joking with him because I could feel that he was serious. 

         I grabbed my keys and made my way to my car using my phone as a GPS to navigate me to the dump. It took me about half an hour to get there and once I did I jumped out of the car at the sight of Markus. 

        He looked terrible. His whole body was mangled and I was surprised he hadn't gotten repaired. But as I observed the situation clearer, I now understood that he must have been brought here on purpose. 

       He had a coat over his arm that wasn't at all like the ones he owned. I ran to him, hugging him tightly, realizing he needed comfort. A whole ton of it it seemed. 

       He hugged me back so tight I thought he would crush me, but I was sure he wouldn't. 

       "What the heck happened to you?" I asked, wishing desperately to understand. Why was he here?        

     "I was shot by a police officer the day after we met for dinner. They must have thought I had shut down so they took me here." He told me stoking my hair because he could sense my heartbeat quicken as he spoke.

           "Why would a police officer shoot you? You didn't do anything wrong did you?" I asked making him stop his pattern of strokes on my head. There was a long pause and I could tell there was something wrong.

         "I pushed away just enough so that I could look him in the eyes. Now that I was I noticed that he now had a green eye where his blue left eye was.

         "You did do something. What happened Markus?" I asked with a little bit of fear in my voice as I spoke. I wasn't afraid of Markus, just the consequences he might have from what he did.

        "I killed Leo. It was an accident I promise you. I know it seems crazy for someone's death to be an accident but it was I assure you. He had snuck into the house that night and he was being violent with Carl so I pushed Leo to protect him." I could tell he wasn't lying.

         "Hey, I believe you don't worry," I said hugging him again comfortingly. 


     I didn't get to see him again.

        "Where's Carl now?" 

        "He's being hospitalized in urgent care. I don't want to see him until we're saved." He said the last sentence with such confidence that I wasn't one hundred percent sure what he was talking about with us being saved. 

        "What do you mean?" He didn't answer my question but he did say one more thing as he met my eyes. 

        "Will you come with me to Jericho?"

         I had heard about Jericho but had never imagined it would be so beautiful until I saw it with my own eyes.


I do not own the video game Detroit Become Human. (As much as I would love to) This book is only a reproduction of inspiration.

The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now