Chapter 1

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     Ever since I can remember, androids have roamed the city of Detroit. They were made for humans so that we didn't have to do the stressful things, like cleaning the house or walking the dogs.

     But after many years of humans using them, androids began to take over our jobs. Even though the androids didn't want the people's jobs, they were given them anyways so that humans didn't have to be put in harms way. And this sent people crazy. There were constant riots, and humans soon despised androids.

     I am telling you this in the city's perspective, not my own. Others would consider them as nothing more than a simple robot or slave, but I can see the life that androids have deep inside them. This is why I myself do not have an android. I don't want to in-prison an innocent being just for my own sake-or call something my own.

     It's just sick. That is why I myself am doing a little rioting of my own. Not the kind of rioting that android haters do. No. But I am rioting for their freedom. 

     As I walked through the streets, I came across a group of rioters who were talking to an android. I couldn't hear anything they were saying to him but I could tell their words weren't at all meant in a kind manner judging by the way all of them rounded up around the android.

     I quickened my pace when I noticed one of the men push the android to the floor, causing whatever he was holding to separate from him in the opposite direction. Once I got close enough, I could hear the fight crystal clear.

     "Look at this thing. You steal our jobs, but you can't even stand up." One woman says circling him for a moment before the rest of the people begin to yell and encourage a man to fight him. This caused many people to watch from a distance, until the whole block was watching the fight.

     The man they were encouraging kicked him in the stomach once he was trying to stand up causing him to fall back down again. I couldn't take it any longer, I had to interfere. I ran through the crowd as fast as I could and made my way down to the android on the floor.

     When he looked up at me, he looked surprised. I quickly took his hands and pulled him up from the floor into a standing position beside me with a little bit of his help. I turned towards him and smiled. He seemed too shocked to smile back. I heard a growl and turned around to see the man who harmed the android in my face. Nose to nose.

     "What do you think your doing?! Why would you help that tin can? They are stealing our jobs! They don't deserve to be cared for!" He screamed at me. I could hear the rest of the crowd yell back at me in agreement of the man. This caused me to back up a bit, but I stoped when I remembered his question.
Why would you help that tin can?

      You knew that the android wasn't a tin can. He was a living being with feelings. The answer seemed obvious to you. But you could see that no one else agreed with you. You took one step boldly toward the man and pointed your finger at his angry face.

     "He is not a tin can. Don't you dare speak that way about him! I am protecting him because no one else will stand up for androids. Because no one else is sensible enough to see them as people." I stated at him with the perfect amount of aggression, without causing a true fight. The man looked shocked. Everyone else looked shocked around us as well. My work here was done and I began to turn away until the man threw another question at me.

     "Who's side are you even on anyway?" He asked this as if I had betrayed him, like I had killed an entire nation. There was not even a hint of anger in his voice anymore. I turned back to him and answered his question without even having to stop and think for a single moment.

     "If this is how the human side of this battle really is, then I would choose the androids side any day." I said as I walked over to what the android dropped and picked it up, turning my attention to the android.

     "Are you alright?" I asked placing a hand on his tall shoulder. "You dropped this." I continued, noticing his face full with surprise. He snapped out of the mood and seemed to come back to reality.

     "Thank you. You didn't have to do this you know." He said, accepting the box.

     "It was what was right to do, so I simply did. Just be careful next time." I said. Our talk was interrupted by a police officer walking over and talking to the man who hit the android.

     "Enough with this fight. No one wants to get fined now do you?" The officer said lazily. The crowd separated and me and the android were able to exit the battle zone.

     "Thank you again." He said smiling at me.

     "I didn't get your name." He quickly added.

"My name is Y/n. What about you?"

"My name is Markus."


The photo in this chapter does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owners and is only being used for the purpose of visual representation.

I do not own the video game Detroit Become Human. (As much as I would love to) This book is only a reproduction of inspiration.

The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now