~Chapter 26~

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The last chapter was probably my favorite so far! Let me know what you thought of it! We are getting so close to the end my dears!


Connor, where are you?

It had been a brutal few hours of waiting since my attempt at responding with the head of the troops had failed. He explained how his armed men would be ordered to charge if we didn't surrender... and we began putting up barriers preparing for the inevitable. 

We would fight for our freedom till the very end

Soon the inevitable stuck as grenades began to launch over our barricade walls. I began helping the injured, making sure I had an eye on North just in case. It had all gone to chaos but as long as Connor arrived in time, the public was bound to have our full support if they didn't already. The troops firing and launching an attack as we protested peacefully was proof enough for us to win in our favor... as long as we got through this and protected each other. 

Troops began to target a helpless android as he helped another and I quickly sprung into action, using a sheet of metal as a shield in front of them. I helped a few more androids behind cover and gave my shield to Simon as a guard came from above us and without a moment to waste, swung his body toward the ground, disarming him after taking his gun. He froze not moving and I knew I couldn't shoot him at that moment. It wouldn't reflect what we were fighting for so I removed the ammo rounds and tossed the large gun to the floor as the rest of the troops surrounded us. 

North stood at my side, taking my hand. We were cornered again with nowhere to escape. There had to be a way to make them feel empathy for us. To make them truly believe we were alive. 

Moving my body to face North, I felt her melt in my arms as I cupped her face bringing her lips to mine. Never had I met someone quite breathtaking as North who understood me to the very depth of my soul. 

The guards lowered their weapons and as we opened our eyes, Connor and Y/n arrived hand in hand with hundreds of deviants close behind. 

We had done it

We were finally free

Upon their arrival, the troops left the scene, likely being told to stand down after so much violence they had only just moments ago ensued. 

Connor and Y/n smiled at each other as they stopped in front of us.

"You did it, Markus," Connor said with a grateful expression on his face. 

"No. We did it." I answered as tears began to run down Y/n's face, bringing me and North into a tight hug. 

"This is a great day for our people." 

North laughed with joy at the realization. "We are free!" The crowd began to erupt in cheers as it all began to finally sink in. 


"Today our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence. But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are." As Connor's words echoed across what once was a warzone, my body began to feel odd. "What's wrong Connor?" Her arm slide down mine, trying to look into my eyes to see what was bothering me. I opened my mouth to answer her but suddenly lost control of my body. 

Out of nowhere the scenery around me changed into a blizzardous storm as Amanda's disapproving words filled my head letting me know they had taken control of my system. 

"I always leave an emergency exit in my programs." Kamski's voice began to overpower Amanda's as I remembered his words from that fateful day when I spared Chloe's life. 

I could feel my real-world circuits freezing up with every second and struggling my way through the cold with one goal.

Find the emergency exit

I had been walking quite a while before I noticed the dim blue light amidst the snowstorm and used my last remaining energy to place my hand on top, sliding down to the ground in exhaustion. 

I woke up with a gasp as my body leaned on Y/n for support for a moment, attempting to catch my breath and remind myself of where I was. She held onto me with secure hands and anxious eyes as they searched mine. Her hand quickly found my face, gently directing my sight to her. 

"Connor please tell me you're alright! Your mind left me for a moment... Where did you go?" I held her hand on my face and left a lingering and deep kiss on her lips, feeling the emotions consume my body for a moment in relief that I had escaped Amanda's hold. I didn't want to start imagining what could have happened if I hadn't...

She leaned into my lips for a moment before we separated, taking a moment to gaze into each other's eyes. "Amanda and CyberLife took control of my system for a bit. I used an emergency exit Kamski told me about a while ago. I'm just glad some use came from my visit with him or else I likely wouldn't have gotten control again." I say, twirling a piece of her hair as I spoke. "What matters is I'm safe now. We are safe now and I swear that to you." Y/n laughed a bit at something I had said. "You seem to be swearing a lot of things in my honor lately detective. Don't you think all these promises might become an issue to juggle?" She teased, running a hand through my hair with a smirk on her face. "Not for you they aren't. You, my dear, are my main priority. There is no juggling involved in my love for you." 

"I like the sound of that." Her smirk quickly formed into a smile as she brought us into another heart-stopping kiss. 

"We are alive!! And now... WE ARE FREE!!" A massive shout of celebration by the tens of thousands of deviants followed Markus' voice. I seemed to have missed the majority of Markus' speech but was thankful I didn't miss this moment. Y/n and I shouted along in each other's arms, living and taking in this truly historical moment that would live on in our minds forever. 

The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now