~Chapter 19~

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Goodness gracious it's been a long since I've updated this story but I'm back hopefully for the last time, planning to finally finish this story for good. I've apologized for far too much in this Wattpad to count so I definitely won't be in this chapter. LOL Anyways, I will likely be finishing the remainder of the book in drafts and then publishing them all at once so that I can stay true to my word for good and not let my schedule bring upload consistency down <3 And Holy Crap! Almost 60K Reads and 1.8K Votes?! I truly cannot describe how much joy your comments, reads, and votes have made me feel over these last 5 ish years of posting on this story. You all truly make it all worth it and I couldn't be happier to have such incredible people read my work. (Even if it's fanfic like this LOL) Anyways I love you guys so much and hope you enjoy the rest of your Detroit Experience <3

Love, Author


Why do I always seem just shy of missing you Y/n?

While scanning my eyes across the three identical androids in front of me, I couldn't help but feel my mind wander to how close I could have been to holding Y/n in my arms. 

Why do I always seem just shy of missing you Y/n?

If only I was manufactured with more speech in mind... or am I just making excuses for the fact that my circuits feel more wound up and jumbled than ever to see you. I think humans would describe this as a sign of anxiousness or anxiety... I could almost feel the heated light, flashing from my LED; Flashing red-blue-yellow...

Software I/nstⓐ'b}ili¾ty ︽


You need to focus on the task at hand; getting information. Then we can focus on the odd workings of my mind at a later time. Maybe Y/n can help me figure it out if and when I find her. I hope I find you soon. You've been out of my sight far too long for my liking. Please still be safe...

I began my onslaught of interrogation; starting from left to right; making sure to pick up on any flinches or body language that could give away the deviant. 

I noticed one's eyes slide toward me in an odd fashion and made sure to take note of it as I continued. attempting to pry the situation gently before going in with brute force.

Glancing from the side, I focused on the middle of the three.

"Have you been in contact with any other androids recently?"

To make myself appear more comfortable, I made sure to fold my arms behind my back.

Give them hope of escape.

That's the key.

"Only station androids in the normal course of my function."

Time to move on for now.

"Has anybody accessed your memory recently?" I say, moving over to the android on the right.

"Not to my knowledge." He says, staying stoic and unmoving like the other two 

To your knowledge.. how comical

Not the time Connor. We need to stay focused. The deviant isn't responding to my calm facade... 

It's about time I play bad cop. 

"One of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing. Which means..."

I start moving toward the one on the left. "there's a deviant in this room."

I take my time to stop and glare at him; making sure he's well aware of my true intentions.

No facade anymore. Genuine should bring out the truth.

"And whether you like it or not, I'm going to find out which one of you it is. You'll likely get switched off but I might be able to convince the humans if you give yourself up."

No reaction. I'm losing time... Time to pursue.

I felt the anger in me kickstart at the thought of being miles behind you again.

"I know it's you. Go on; ADMIT IT!" His eyes glint in fear. 

hah, I knew it.

I take my opening and reach out to probe his memory but I'm suddenly pushed back.

We begin wrestling; both in a desperate attempt to stop the other. 

In my moment of weakness, I watch as my reactor core is ripped from my torso.

I groan as he a knife close by and stabs it into my left hand. 


My vision begins to blur and I feel my body sag as far to the ground as the knife will let me. 

With the little strength I have left, I pull the knife from my hand and attempt to make my way to my discarded reactor.

It's so far. I can make it... 

Think of Hank and Y/n. You'll be reset if you fail.

You'll forget about Hank.

You'll forget about... Y/n.

You CANNOT risk that.

Whether or not I'm becoming a deviant doesn't matter.

As long as I get out of this alive and see you Y/n.

Software I/nstⓐ'b}ili¾ty ︽

I desperately make my way on all fours, sliding in my own excuse for blood, crawling as fast as possible toward my reactor. The window of time I have is slowly closing. I need to be faster. 

I think of familiar E/c eyes. Y/n's E/c as I feel the grooves of my reactor and latch it in place.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I relax for a moment. But only a moment as I realize the android is getting away. 

I run as fast as my mechanical legs can move; catching up with the deviant.

He grabs a gun from an officer and I realize I'm once again short on time to make up my mind. He's likely going to hurt the humans in the room and among those is Hank. Without pausing for another thought, I grab the gun from a nearby FBI Officer and shoot. Three times just to be safe.

I wanted it alive. But I couldn't risk the lives of others.

"Nice shot Connor," Hank says shocked.

"I wanted it alive," I say, slightly disappointed but relieved no one was injured.

"You saved human lives. You saved my life, Connor." I looked at him from left, both seeing and hearing the gratefulness in his face and voice. 

"I would do it again."

I really would.

Software I/nstⓐ'b}ili¾ty ︽

The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now