~Chapter 23~

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(Timeline of events will still be different from the game moving forward <3)


It had been five days since our last protest and the world was beginning to shake in our wake. Although much of the public opinion was beginning to open up to our cause, the president had opened up isolated camps to contain Deviant androids... It was difficult to hear at first and caused Jericho to stop all outside operations.

We were good with supplies for the time being and would be able to wait out for about a month or so depending on our next move. Markus and North made sure I was able to get enough food and water as well; making sure my health and well-being were a main priority even in troubling times. 

Jericho was bustling with people now and the high quality of technology from our missions was like nothing I had ever seen before. Android parts and blue blood could be replicated within minutes and huge screens broadcasting the news were laid on many of the walls updating us on important information. But the more busy and lively Jericho became, the more I craved home. 

I had confided with Markus about my feelings. He had sympathized with me; let me know he would understand if I chose to leave Jericho and return to my life outside of these walls but I knew I had to see it through. As much as my homesickness pained me, I needed to be a part of this and stick through it till the very end. Even if my part was primarily helping androids here at Jericho, I didn't want to return home without ending this war. 

I scanned the wide room from my sleeping bag on the top floor, admiring the love and care that had grown in Jericho. There were even a few humans who had joined us; Harry and Naudia, a happy and lively couple who had joined a few weeks ago. Funnily enough, I hadn't realized they were humans at first and only came to the realization when they told me about their past. It was kinda comforting to know there were other humans who understood the longevity of our cause. 

Glancing downstairs I noticed someone in all-black clothing walking in a way I was certain I had seen before. I tried my best to see their face but it was turned away from me as they continued searching the ground floor. 

They almost...reminded me of someone

I should go introduce myself

As I made my way toward the stairs, I noticed they had started doing the same; making their way up. Thinking it might be odd if I introduce myself while on the stairs, I decide to wait close by the stairway close by the balcony railway. The closer they got to reaching the top of the stairs, the more the dots began to connect in my mind. This was someone I knew... I was sure of it. 

They had reached the top of the staircase and before moving, took a moment to glance around the top floor. Their eyes circled until they reached me. 


It was Connor

Without a moment to process what was happening, I flew towards him.

He started running towards me as well, reaching me faster than I could, trapping me in his arms. My mind was spinning so fast and chose to ignore the possibilities of why he might be here. All I wanted was to live in the moment I had been craving for so long. 

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I felt tears on my shoulder as he spoke. I hugged him closer; running my hand through his hair and kissing the side of his head overcome with joy trying to capture this moment forever. "I'm sure I can imagine." I laughed a bit; my lips still close to his ear as I feel the tears begin to well up in my eyes.

Connor repositions us so that we are eye to eye. 

Oh, those eyes

They were right in front of me now

"I can't believe this is real," I say, as he takes my face in his hands. The love on his face mirrored mine to perfection and made me feel as if I would melt at this moment. I placed my hands over his promising myself to memorize the way his skin felt on mine.

"Your right," He laughs as the tears fall from his beautiful eyes. "This really doesn't feel real. But I'm so happy it finally is." We laugh, embrace, and cry for what feels like hours until I notice my limbs catching up with my mind. My body was growing tired of all the standing and the constant fountain of tears and Connor quickly realized; bringing his arm around me and taking us toward the resting quarters where my sleeping bag lay. "Don't worry I got you" he said, kissing my forehead as he sat with me on my cot, not removing his arm around me as I let myself relax in his warm arms. 

There was nowhere I would rather be

"How did you find me, Connor? I knew you were a good detective but even this is surprising." I giggled, feeling him trace shapes on my arm as I spoke. "Kara gave me the details. I had to know you were safe... and don't worry. I'm no longer trying to stop Markus." He looked down at me with a growing smile on his face. 

I love those dimples

I wasn't prepared for what he said next. "I'm a deviant now. You and Hank made me fully understand the difference between the person I was and the one I want to be. And..." He hesitates, glancing between my eyes and down toward my lips for a moment in thought. "I've realized whatever that future is... includes you." My breath catches in my throat and I'm overwhelmed for a moment. 

He feels what I feel for him

Taken with the realization, I place my hand on his face as he lowers a bit toward my own, capturing my every expression. 

"Mine will always include you, Connor," I say as he closes the gap between us. 

The Detroit Experience - Connor X Reader X MarkusWhere stories live. Discover now