Chapter 15 - 20K reads Special!

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Hey guys! I am back. Today's chapter is a rather special one and I hope you all enjoy it! Sorry, I didn't post this until later at night but I still hope you all enjoy it! I'm so happy and thankful to announce that we have reached over 20K reads! I never expected anything like this when I started this book! You guys are really full of surprises! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this next chapter!

Love, Author


As we walked hand in hand, I couldn't help but suspect a higher chance of danger ahead. On top of that the rain wasn't helping any for Alice's sake. We began walking faster in an attempt to surpass the multiple police officers around the area. Alice clutched my hand tighter as we took a sharp turn and found ourselves face-to-face with officers. My eyes widened and I attempted to head in the other direction but it was too late. They had already spotted us.

"That's them!" One of the officers called as he charged himself toward us. Pushing him away, I took Alice's hand and we continued around the course, this time running. There was no stopping the officers from following us. As we ran, I could hear their gaining footsteps.

"Quick, call it in!" The same officer said with a lace of annoyance in his voice. This wasn't good. Not good at all. Alice was beginning to get tired, and I could tell we wouldn't be able to make it much further if she ran out of energy. I began looking around franticly for a shortcut to the train station and found a fence leading to a street with the train station just across it. If we weren't in the situation we were in now, I would never risk such a route, but there seemed to be no other way out.

We began making our way to the fence and I could tell Alice was scared. She was cold, wet, exasperated, and most of all terrified.

"Hey. It's going to be ok. Alright? I won't leave your side. I promise." She nodded and I began helping her climb the fence. As I began to climb, I heard voices and I quickened my pace, jumping off of the top of the fence. Alice was already on her feet, looking at the fence. I turned and found an android. He had dark brown hair, and brown eyes filled with confusion. He seemed to be thinking or processing something. I noticed a police officer with a gun pointed straight at me and Alice. To my surprise, he told them not to shoot. He had said to them that they needed us alive, but I couldn't help but feel there was another reason for his actions. He was with them and I could tell he would do anything to stop us from escaping. I quickly took Alice's hand in mine and we began sliding down the muddy hill leading to the street.

We made our way over the railing ignoring the large message saying 'AUTOMATED CAR TRACK; VERY HIGH SPEEDS; NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING! DANGER; DANGER'. The android began climbing the fence reminding me that there was no turning back. I took a deep breath, feeling my body shake nervously at the possibility's we might not make it across alive. Alice squeezed my hand, giving me a rather fearful box smile. She was just as terrified as I was. I smiled too, just as scared. There wasn't much time. "Don't worry and don't let go of my hand, ok? I have a plan." I said waiting for the next car to pass before we began crossing. He was gaining on us. And he was moving like lightning.

Once the next car passed we began running, stopping between cars until the next ones passed. About halfway through, I noticed a rather unexpectedly fast car came close to hitting Alice. I quickly pushed her towards the middle gap receiving a blow to my back. I came to Alice's side, thankful she hadn't gotten hurt. I sighed turning back for a few short moments to see the android a quarter through the street. I quickly grabbed Alice's hand and ran in between the middle railing to a safer crossing area. He was already about thirty feet behind us and we quickly began crossing once more. Because of our rather hurry crossing, I once again was hit on the back by a zooming car, making Alice fall forward and scream. Shocked, I quickly helped her up while dodging a car. She had fear all over her face.

After another car passed, I took the opportunity and moved Alice across the last portion of the street. She made it across, and she was safe and sound. Before I could process anything, the android began tackling me. He was rather strong and I attempted to push him away but he was filled with too much determination to let go. "Where is Y/n?! I know you deviants are keeping her prisoner! Tell me where you are hiding her right this instant!" He began screaming, tightening his grip on me. I grunted, managing to push him away far enough for a car to almost hit him.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I know nothing of this Y/n. And why should I trust someone like you?" I said while making my way to Alice as I spoke, making sure she was safe and unharmed. "Are you ok? You're not hurt right?" She shook her head and hugged me. I turned towards the android who now stood in-between passing cars, his face filled with sadness.

"I need to find her. She doesn't know what she's getting into and I know you've done something to her. She's with the android who goes by Markus. She doesn't know what they could do to her. She has no idea what they are capable of!" He sighed and began to calm down. "My name is Connor and I know your kind has done something to her!" He ended with pure anger in his eyes. He looked and spoke as I imagine a raging fire would. I knew nothing of this Y/n he seemed to care deeply for. We were in the Same boat. I looked back at him with a serious stare.

"I truly know nothing of this Y/n. Please. Please just leave us alone. All we want is to be free." I said taking Alice's hand and running back towards the train station. It was silent for a moment before he spoke once more. "I will spare you, but ONLY if you find Y/n. She's a human... A rather beautiful one in fact." I stopped after hearing that he would spare us. There was a smile in his voice as he said the last sentence before he continued. "Please tell her I am coming to find her and bring her back. I believe she is at Jericho." He paused once more. "And, tell her I love her, and that I always will no matter her choice." He seemed serious. My eyes widened at his words. He felt what I felt for Alice. He cared for someone so much that he would do anything for them. I looked down at Alice seeing her face brighten in shock at his words. I smiled.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I will try my best to find her for you." I called back, the smile never leaving my face. A smile appeared on his lips as well and I felt Alice hug my hand before we finished our journey to the train station. The police officers from before seemed to leave everything in Connor's hands so none of them had entered the scene. There was one person however who had seen it all unfold. A rather elderly man who Connor seemed to trust by the way he greeted him as he approached the fence. He had everything under control.

Once we got inside the train station, we immediately boarded the next train and began our next journey. My mind wandered to Ralph. I hoped he was ok after all that he had done for us. He was the reason we were able to have a chance at escaping. I sighed, thankful for Connor's decision. I would try my hardest to repay his part of the deal. I turned towards Alice asking one last time if she was ok. She nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. She was freezing cold from the rain. I gladly accepted the hug and embraced her cold form as best as I could.

"Everything is going to turn out. You'll get a normal life again, I promise." I said trying to believe my words.

More than anything I prayed my words would prove to be true.

Hey guys! Extra long chapter! This took me a while but I think it was worth it! You finally got to see into Kara's part in the story! I'm so excited for this book! I hope you all are too! Thank you all for reading this book so far. I appreciate everything you all have done for me! You all are pure blessings! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and I hope you all have a blessed evening! I love you all!

Love, Author

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